Some Texts Between Da Nations

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America: Duuuuuuuuuuuude! 

England: What do you want, git?

America: Youllneverbelievewhathappenedtoday!

England: You lost that one ounce of intellegience that was my only hope for you?

America: Youremeandudedontbelikethat

England: Oi, type normally.

America: Thisisnormal

England: How in the bloody hell is that normal? The space bar exists for a reason!

America: Yeahformetoignoreit

England: Why can't I block you again?

America: BecauseGodblessJapan

England: I'm going to ignore you until you can type like a decent human.

-------------------------------------------In another chat------------------------------------------------------

Prussia: Hallo!

England: Hello.

Prussia: Alfredtoldmeyouwerebeingrudetohim

England: Oh my God there's two of them.

This continues, and like, seventy percent of nations join in. 

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