Romania HC Again-

52 4 7

Based off...

Well, le moi.

So, Romania once found this really girly and childish notebook with a squirrel dressed like a human girl on it, along with the writing 'Sunny's Secret'.

He took it, and found it absolutely blank.

He opened the first page, and drew a horrifying drawing with blood and weird-ass creatures and shit. Basically some creepy drawing straight outta a horror movie.

He leaves this notebook around the younger nations like Latvia, Sealand, Wy, Liechtenstein, and such in order to give them a heart attack. He thinks it's hilarious, especially after leaving a note inside that you see only after the heart attack; "Sunny doesn't like people knowing her secret".

Let's say he successfully gave a few of them nightmares. 

Hehe, do I have any regrets for doing this myself?

Nope, not a single fuck found in my system.

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