How The Characters Deal With Stress From Work

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Germany: Ignore it and continue working until someone forces him to stop. 

North Italy: He doesn't do work in the first place... Unless it's cooking pasta, but that's not stressing. He doesn't have to clean anymore, so...

South Italy: Same as his brother, he'll throw any work he has at Spain. 

Spain (What order am I writing this in?): Take it in stride, but take a siesta if he must

Japan: He doesn't do that. He has his work sort of... Scheduled with breaks so he doesn't get stressed or tired.

England: A cup of tea and a good book.

America: He just turns into a drunk patriot and obviously leaves the work, but goes around annoying everybody.

France: A glass of fine wine never hurt anyone.

Russia: A glass of strong vodka never hurt anyone.

China: Meh, he just leaves his work. He's old enough to never be in much of a rush with that.

Canada: Kumajirou does it for him if he can, and Matthew think it's very sweet of him.

Prussia: Same as Germany, despite what you think. Are they brothers or what?

Austria: Takes a break to play the piano and then forgets he had work.

Screw it, no one else comes to mind, deal with all this-

Unsurprisingly, it's an unrelated fanart, but it's adorable.

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