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"Ah! What the hell?" Faye screamed out, whipping her head around to see a laughing Eunbi.

"You're so easy to scare!" Eunbi wheezed out between breathless giggles.

It was lunch time and the three girls were sitting at there usual table in the corner of the lunchroom.

"Can you believe we only have three weeks left of school then were done." Heejin sighed, picking at her spicy rice cake.

"Yeah then were free! We can do what ever we want!" Eunbi stated.

"We still have university." Faye corrected, sipping on her apple juice.

"Why do you always focus on the negative, party pooper." Eunbi grumbled obviously done with Fayes constant pessimism. "Also why didn't you go to Xinlong's party last week?"

"I didn't feel like it."

"You're seventeen years old, almost eighteen and you haven't even been to a party in downtown Seoul yet. You're like a Korea party virgin." Heejin cackled, pulling her long hair back into a tight ponytail.

"So many things could happened at a party though. It's beyond reckless to be partying downtown. Plus what if you run into your soulmate-"

"Wait Faye you have a soulmate!" Eunbi let out an exaggerated gasp. Not many people have soulmates and the ones who do barley ever meet them anyway.

"N-no I don't, but you never know-" Faye sputtered.

"Faye I think you would know by now. Your whole life you can feel someone else's pain. If you don't know by now then ether you don't have one or your soulmate lives in bubble wrap." Heejin pointed out.

"Yeah I guess I've never felt random pain" Faye lied, picking at her finger nails- a nasty habit she has when she lies.

Eunbi and Heejin dismissed the conversation of soulmates and began talking about the latest school drama. Faye just nodded along-her thoughts miles away from their pointless small talk.

Eunbi and Heejin were best friends long before Faye came to Korea. Their dads had been business partners for over thirty years. The two of them have been through thick and thin with each other.

Faye was snapped out of her day dreaming when her left elbow felt a sudden surge of pain.

Clenching her teeth, Faye tried to play off the sharp pain without her friends noticing. Her clumsy soulmate was back at it again.

"Faye you good?" Heejin asked with a concerned look in her eyes.

"All good" Faye stuck up her thumb in a thumbs up. "The bells going to ring soon and I'm not in the mood to be late to class. I better go"

Brushing off her throbbing elbow, Faye walked out of the lunch room towards her locker.

"Hey you in the hoodie!" A voice belted behind the shy girl. Wearily she turned around.

A group of around five boys stood behind her. They were recognized as the "popular boys" at school. Faye has never really payed much attention to them.

"You're friends with Heejin and Eunbi right?" The short one with multiple earrings asked.


"I'm throwing a party this weekend. Could you invite them for me?" He questioned.

Heejin and Eunbi have always had a popular reputation. They were both stunning, confidant and out going as hell. It was no suprise that boys wanted to hang out with them.

"Um...yeah sure." Faye replied awkwardly-shifting on her feet.

"You can come too...uh...Raye?" The boy said clearly just inviting her to ease the tension that surrounded the situation.

Faye nodded and walked away- wanting only to crawl and hide away. Why couldn't she be oozing with confidence like her friends?

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