||The End||

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The car ride to Jungwoo house was chaotic to say the least. Faye could tell where Jungwoo got his goofy nature from. The car was filled rambunctious chatter the whole ride home.

After forty short minutes the car came to a halt in front of a medium sized house. It wasn't anything special- two stories, beige colour and a small front lawn, but Faye watched Jungwoos eye light up when he saw it.

"Faye come on, I want you to meet my mom!" Before she could protest, Jungwoos long arm yanked Faye out of her set and led her inside.

In contrast to the freezing weather her outside, the inside of the house was wonderfully warm. A gush of hot air burned Fayes cheeks when she stepped inside.

A red doormats met her soggy sneakers and she quickly removed them, only for Jungwoo to hand her a pair of slippers. He told her his mother had bought a new pair in preparing for her arrival.

Faye rubbed her arms while Jungwoo led her out of the walkway. The walls were painted a very light brown and family photos hanged along them.

The closer the two of them got to the kitchen, the more their mouth watered. The savoury smell of fried chicken made its way into their nostrils.

Jungwoos arm snaked around Fayes waist. He guided her into the kitchen. A petite women stood at the stove and had her back facing them. "Eomma!"He called.

Immediately, Jungwoos moms grey haired head flung around. A wrinkled smiled appeared on her face. "Jungwoo!"

His mother ran around the kitchen island to embrace her son. After letting go of Jungwoo she turned to greet Faye.

Before anyone could say anything she burst into tears.

Taken aback Faye held her breath. Did she do something? Was she not invited? Did his mom not like her?

Jungwoo worn the same shocked expression as Faye. "Mom are you okay-"

"Faye!" His mother cried. "You are so beautiful! I could not have asked for a better soulmate for my son"

Faye felt her fist unclench as his mom wrapped her in a bone crushing hug. Her shoulder got damp as his mom continued to weep.

When his mom let go of Faye, she had stopped crying but continued to sniffle. "I'm sorry, it's just not many people find their soulmate and for my son to have one it's just so...unimaginable"

Faye felt her face heat up. "Thank you so much." She laughed. Jungwoos mother's lips pulled into a wrinkled smile.

"Jungwoo we set up your bedroom upstairs, take Faye and your bags up stairs" Jungwoos father said while walking into the kitchen.

Eager to show Faye his bedroom, Jungwoo swung their bags over his shoulder and led her upstairs. As they walked Faye couldn't help but over hear his mom fawning over their relationship downstairs.

Jungwoo walked down a main hallway with doors on ether side. The carpet was obviously old but homey all the same. At the end of the hall sat a door, slightly open.

"This is my room." Jungwoo carefully inched the door open with his toe all while holding a suitcase in each hand.

Jungwoo's room was exactly what Faye expected. A deep blue coated the walls and a single window was across from the door. The room was tiny, but the cleanliness of it made it look bigger. Nothing was only the floor except for a grey rug. Even his bed was made.

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