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"No not like that!" Haechan scolded as he watched Faye attempt to dance. He covered his face in disappointment as she gracelessly flopped around the practice room.

The rest of the boys had sifted out to go record or eat dinner. Haechan had taken the responsibility of teaching Faye how to dance.

Haechan huffed in defeat as he walked up beside her. Looking in the mirror he did the move again and awaited for Faye to copy him.

Faye only giggled as she mockingly copied his pose. "Pfft-Haechan you look like a duck!" She broke into a ugly snort laugh.

A frown settled on his face. "Faye just do it properly" He struck the beginning pose and glanced at Faye as she attempted to copy him.

"Now take your left foot and bring it over here" She pressed her lips together in an attempt to mask the chuckle that threatened to escape at his awkward pose.

Faye fell to the floor in laughter as Haechan kicked his leg up and his sneaker flew into the mirror. She breathlessly rolled on the floor as a pink hue rose to Haechan cheeks.

She didn't even hear Jungwoo open the practice door was walk in. His eyes landed immediately on the girl dying of laughter on the floor.

He glanced at Haechan who just waved his hand and sauntered out of the room. Jungwoo kneeled down next to the girl trying to get her attention.

"Faye? Do you want dinner?" He inquired. Faye stopped laughing and looked up at him. Her eyes had tears in them and a cheeky grin danced on her lips.

"Uh-sure" She ruffled her hair trying to recompose herself. Standing up with Jungwoo he lead he over to a stack of take out boxes that sat in the corner of the room.

They sat across from each other and began to devour the food. A vibrate in Fayes pocket caused her to pause and pull out her phone.


How could you not tell me?

I thought we were friends!!!

Like WTF I'm so nice you!

Why couldn't you just tell me?

Faye narrowed her eyes brows as the texts kept coming in. She had no clue what Eunbi could be talking about.


What do you mean?

Jesus how could
you be so clueless?

You know someone at SM!!

Her heart stopped as she read the text. She couldn't properly process the information. Fayes fingers grasped the phone as she awaited another text.


Did you get an internship?

Are you dating someone?





"Faye?" Jungwoo worriedly looked at Faye as she stared blankly at her phone screen. "Is everything okay?"

Faye didn't reply. Her heart was beating so hard it could burst. A dryness grew in her throat as she began to go into panic mode.

Who told her?

How much does she know?

Could Jungwoo lose his job?

Jungwoo hastily scooted beside his soulmate. His eye widened as he peered over her shoulder and read the texts.

They sat in silence as Fayes breathing became laboured and heavy. "Faye calm down-just breath" Jungwoos voice was on the verge of breaking as he tried to calm her down.

"I'm so sorry-what do we do-" The buzz of Fayes phone interrupted her and she hastily unlocked it.


Chan-woo told me
he saw you at a
SM party?!?

"What do we do Jungwoo!" Faye turned her head towards Jungwoo-tears brimmed his eyes as he met her gaze.

Jungwoo brought his knees up to his chest and cradled them worriedly. "I don't know. We should talk to the manger"

Fear raked Fayes body as she stood up and followed Jungwoo out of the practice room. She felt at ease when he swiftly took his hand in hers.

The soulmates ran along side each other when Jungwoo spotted the manager chatting with Johnny outside the recording studio.

"Hey Jungwoo-Faye" He greeted as he gestured towards to two. His eye locked on their intertwined hands. "Congrats on your-uh-relationship?"

He sounded unsure and suspicious. If it wasn't for the fact that Faye was frozen in fear she would have been worried about his strange tone.

Jungwoo ran his hand through his hair. "We have a problem"

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