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The setting sun out side created a warm cozy cocoon in Faye bedroom as she sat on the made bed. Her laptop was sitting on the bed across from her playing a French braid tutorial.

Breathing in a sharp breath-Faye shook out her numbing left hand as she attempted the braids. Her arms were beginning to get sore from raising them up for so long.

She clicked her tongue as her hairs annoyingly fell out of her grasp and her 'braid' was ruined. Shoving her head in her hands she threw her brush down on the bed.

The door slammed open and footsteps shuffled in the room. Faye rose her head to see Jungwoo shutting the door behind him.

She rapidly closed her laptop and stuffed her hair elastics under the covers. Her face flushed with embarrassment as he quirked an eyebrow at her suspicious behaviour.

"What are you doing?" Jungwoo asked- his simple sweat pants and t-shirt buried his figure as he propped up against the head board.

"I was just practicing something" Faye watched in fright as Jungwoo swiftly opened her laptop to see a French braid tutorial displayed in her screen.

A wide grin spread across his face. "You were learning how to braid your hair?"

Faye sheepishly shoved her head in her hands in an attempt to cover her reddening cheeks. "Yes" Her voice was muffled because of her hands.

"Can I try?" Slowly raising her head she locked eyes with Jungwoos curious ones.

"Really? You want to braid my hair?" Jungwoo nodded shyly as he grabbed the brush beside her.

A mix of comfort and awkwardness pooled in Fayes gut as she stiffly sat in between Jungwoos long legs. She was careful not to press her back into his chest.

"You can relax Faye" Jungwoo hummed as he tucked her hair behind her neck. He gently placed his hands on her shoulders and pulled her farther into his chest.

Slowly- she felt her shoulders ease back and felt a familiar euphoric feeling erupted through her core due to the soulmate bond.

Jungwoos fingers began expertly running through her hair. The smell of his cologne wafted through her nostrils as he brought the brush up to her hair.

Fayes eyes closed in comfort as he started to softly hum. Absentmindedly her eyes closed and she fell asleep.

A warm sack was draped across Fayes torso as she groggily opened her eyes. She didn't need to turn around to know that Jungwoos arm was roped across her waist and that she was pressed hard against his chest.

In short-Faye was being spooned for the first time in her life.

Enjoying the coziness that engulfed her body-Faye calmed her shoulders and found comfort in their close proximity.

"Faye?" Jungwoos head sat in the crook of her neck causing his words to be mumbled. "You you awake?"

Faye narrowed her eye brows. "Yes?"

"I'm really comfortable right now but-" The boy shuffled a little bit behind her. "Your on top of my arm and it's lost feeling"

Faye widened her eyes as she quickly shot up. She watched as a look of relief washed over Jungwoos face. Sitting up beside her Jungwoo stretched his arms out.

"Sorry" Faye stuttered out-she felt half guilty half sad that they had to get up from their intimate position.

Jungwoos eye glanced at her lips before looking up at her eyes. "Its fine-I'm going to get dressed"

Faye peered at Jungwoo as he exited the room with his clothes clutched in his arms.

She flopped on the bed as she began to doze back into sleep-not ready to wake up yet.

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