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Faye fidgeted with her fingers in her lap as she watched a large building come into her nervous gaze. Her stomach churned as her eyes gathered in the view.

The venue looked like a grand museum. It was a light beige colour and had grand tapestry's that hung beside the massive doors.

She stumbled as she walked in her heels- this was the second time in her life she'd worn heels, the first time was for her cousins wedding-she was eight and took them off half way through.

Tables were scattered across the dimly lit main area. Faye focused in on the waiters floating around serving drinks and appetizers.

"Where do we sit?" Faye leaned over and whispered in Doyoungs ear.

"Just follow us." Faye nodded as they began walking towards one of the fancy set dinning tables. She pulled out a chair and plopped down between Jungwoo and Taeil.

The members started to disperse and talk to people she didn't recognize. Faye sat silently as Jungwoo stood up and went to grab a drink.

"Faye?" She spun around in her seat to see a familiar face staring back at her. Her a line formed on her forehead.

"Chan-woo?" She furrowed her eye brows in confusion.

Chan-woo sauntered up to her and sat in Jungwoos seat. "What are you doing here?"

Faye thought about it-was she allowed to tell him that she was Jungwoos soulmate?

"Faye how do you know Chan-woo?" Taeil spoke up from beside her. Faye was surprised when she saw a spark of recognition in Taeils dark eyes.

"Uh-this is Chan-woo he went to my school." Taeil nodded as Faye continued "How do you know him?"

"I'm the one of NCTs managers sons. We've met each other a few times." Chan-woo interrupted. She couldn't help but notice Taeils threatening gaze on Chan-woo. There was an obvious tension between them.

Chan-woo huffed and stood up. "I better go-uh-Faye before I go could you give me Eunbi's number? She gave me one but I think she got the numbers wrong or something."

Faye almost rolled her eyes at the boys inability to take a hint. "I can't give out people numbers with out their permission first-sorry."

"Its fine. See you around Faye." She watched as he walked off.

"Are you two friends?" Taeil inquired as he drank his soju.

Faye shook her head. "No but he likes my friend"

Taeil snorted. "I can tell. You shouldn't hang around with him."

"Why?" Faye questioned perplexed as to what had happened between them.

"A few months ago he hung around a lot with the dreamies. Things happened and he almost roped them in to drinking illegally and vandalizing the SM building." Taeil explained.

Fayes mouth was left agape at his story at his story. NCT Dream almost got arrested?

"Of course NCT Dream was totally innocent they had no idea what Chan-woo was doing-they we're the ones who reported him." Relief washed over Fayes body. She couldn't imagine the dreamies doing some illegal.

She heard the chair beside her being pulled out. Faye turned around and saw Jungwoo seated next to her with a fancy alcoholic drink in his hand.

"Hey." She said as she began sipping on the glass of water that was in front of her.

"Hi. How are you liking the party?" Jungwoo took a long swing of his drink.

Faye tucked her stray hairs behind her ears. "It's not much of a party. Is there going to be food?"

Jungwoos smirked "They have the best food at these things. They cook-"

As if one qu- the doors at the side of the dinning room flew open and a multitude of waiters strutted out all carrying various dishes of food.

Faye watched as everyone began to make their way back to their seats. A steaming soup was placed in front of her. The strong aroma of rosemary filled her nostrils.

Picking up her spoon and taking a bite-she hummed in satisfaction.

"Its good right?" Jungwoo asked as he slurped at his own soup. Faye nodded and continued eating.

Faye felt like a bloated whale by the end of the meal. She managed to stuff down two bowls of soup, a serving of a odd tasting salad, three lemonades and two pieces of cheesecake.

She had lost track of where Jungwoo was-the last time she saw him was when she sucked down her second lemonade.

She let her elbow rest on the table as she placed her head in her hands. Bored-she began playing with the left over food in her plate.

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