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"Haechan you can't hog the popcorn." Faye scolded as Haechan took the popcorn bowl in his sneaky hands.

"I'm not hogging it I'm taking my share." He argued.

"You are hogging it-"

"Guys shut up it's the good part." Jisung shushed the arguing friends.

"Oh he's going to get his head cut off!" Haechan said with his eyes glued to the screen. Fayes face contorted into disgust as she watched the actors head get cuts off.

"Uh-ew." Jeno groaned as he watched it. Jisung and Haechan were engrossed in the gory scene while Jeno and Faye hid their heads in their hands.

The door creaked open and a tired looking Jungwoo walked in with a large bag in his hand. His eyes widened when he saw four teenagers lying in his bed.

"Hi?" Jungwoo said sceptically. "Why are you all here?"

"We are watching a movie to cheer up our little Faye-Faye" Faye chuckled at Haechans nick name. A phone dinged under the covers.

"Jisung, Haechan its the manager there is a car outside we have practice." Jeno began to shuffle out of the bed followed by a stroppy looking Haechan and Jisung. "See you later Faye."

"Bye Faye." Haechan and Jisung said simultaneously as they left the room. She waved as they closed the door behind them.

"Hello." Jungwoo said as he began attempting to make in messy bed. The teens had left the room in quite a mess.

Faye stood up and began helping him. Normally she didn't clean anything- living in mess didn't bug her. But she noticed that Jungwoo liked clean spaces.

After Jungwoo and Faye had cleaned up the bedroom they sat across from each other on the bed talking about their day.

"So Yuta sprained his wrist? Does he have a splint?" Faye asked in concern.

"No-thankfully it wasn't that bad he only turned it the wrong way. He just needs to ice it once and a while." Jungwoo assured her. "I have a surprise for you!"

Faye furrowed her brows in confusion as Jungwoo shuffled through the closet to find the bag he had walked in with. He sat back down.

"It is your 18th birthday." Faye nodded. "I thought about throwing you a party I decided against it."

Faye internally thanked him parties gave her stress and she preferred celebrating in the comfort of her bedroom.

"So instead I got you something simpler." He reached into the large bag and picked out two full sized pizzas, a small pink box and a perfectly wrapped rectangle.

"Jungwoo you didn't need to do all this-"

"No it's your birthday we need to celebrate. Also I wasn't sure what your favourite flavour of pizza was so I got two." Faye felt her eyes water at his kindness. He was such a pure person who deserved better than her-in her option.

"Thank you so much Jungwoo. I don't even know what to say." Jungwoo just hummed in responds as he began to munch down on the pizza.

They ate the pizza in a comfortable silence. Faye felt as though Jungwoo was becoming a symbol of protection and comfort for her. She noticed that she didn't clench her fists in anxiousness when ever she saw him.

As they finished their pizza-Jungwoo brought out the wrapped present he had placed behind his back.  It was a small rectangular box with pink wrapping paper.

"It's not much but I didn't have much time" Jungwoo noted as he handed it to her.

Faye cautiously ripped the paper to be met with a card board black box. Carefully she lifted the lid.

Underneath the lid was a small necklace. It had a three charms attached to it. Faye brought the box towards her face so she could see the pendants.

One was an egg, the second was a fish and the third was an ice cream cone.

"Thank you so much Jungwoo" She loved the gift but had no clue what the charms meant.

"Your welcome but I can tell that you are totally confused." Faye nodded. Jungwoo took the necklace out of the box.

"The ice cream cone is from our first uh-date or hang out thingy, the egg is from your pyjama pants which personally I think you should wear all the time and the fish is from the time that we watched finding dori together."

Fayes heart melted at his thoughtfull gift. She felt her heart pulsating in her chest when he mentioned the ice cream as a first date.

As cliche as it was she began to cry over a necklace from a boy. "Thank you so much Jungwoo. I love it."

A small red hue rose to Jungwoos cheeks-small butterflies began to dance in his gut as he looked at the teary girl in front of her. "Do you uh- want to watch a movie?"

Faye took the end of her t-shirt and wiped her eyes. "Sure. What do you want to watch?"

"I'm fine with anything." Jungwoo began to clear the pizza boxes and left over wrapping paper. "Oh-I almost forgot!"

Jungwoo bent down beside the bed so Faye couldn't see him. She heard small shuffles as he fidgeted with what ever was beside the bed. Slowly he stood up with a box holding a small cake.

The cake was yellow with blue swirls on the top. Jungwoo had placed a single green candle on top.
Faye giggled as Jungwoo began to sing happy birthday in English.

Once he had finished singing he placed the cake in front of her. Tucking the loss strands of hair behind her ear she blew out the candle. "I can't thank you enough Jungwoo. This whole thing is so thoughtful."

"Your welcome Faye and happy birthday!" Jungwoo smiled as he pulled out two forks. "My hands were full when I came down stairs so I couldn't grab plates."

Faye only nodded as she began eating the cake straight from the box with Jungwoo.

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