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Faye watched distastefully as the couple across from her began a heated make out session. An unattractive gag escaped her throat when the boy began sliding his hand up the girls skirt.

Feeling guiltily jealous, but mostly disgusted-Faye turned her attention back to the steaming pizza in front of her. The mouth watering sent invaded her nostrils.

With out hesitation she began eating her third slice of pizza. Food seemed like the best way to the numb the massive void in her chest.

She knew relationships were hard and that the mistakes she made could be fixed-but in the midst of it she felt hopeless and alone.

"More soda?" The waitress asked bringing Faye back to her confusing reality. Faye nodded flashing her a short smile.

Fayes eyes landed back to the couple that were now sharing a milkshake. Her heart strings tugged as she imagined her and Jungwoo sharing it together.

She rested her head in her hands and stuffed more pizza into her mouth. The cheesy goodness tasted like heaven.

"Faye." A brittle voice spoke from beside her. Faye froze mid-chew to face the person standing beside her.

Jungwoo wore an unreadable expression as he tiredly sat down in the chair across from Faye. An empty glow pooled in his eyes.

He looked down to the ground and ran his fingers through his hair. "Are you going to eat that?" Jungwoos long fingers pointed towards the last few slices of pizza.

Slowly shaking her head-Fayes eye narrowed as Jungwoo gingerly picked up a slice and began eating it.

Faye shifted as she gathered her scattered thoughts. She knew what she had to say-she just wasn't sure how.

"Sorry" Her voice was unintentionally monotonous as she spoke. She kept her eyes glued to the tiled floor of the restaurant. "Sorry-I didn't mean to sound-uh mean? Like just now apologizing-I-"

Faye stopped talking and decided to do something she should have a long time ago. Inhaling a deep breath she zeroed into Jungwoo deep brown orbs. "I love you."

It felt like everything had stopped when the three words cascaded down her lips. The couple across the room didn't matter. The pizza that was getting cold didn't matter. Only the boy seated across from her.

With out hesitation Jungwoo dropped his pizza onto the plate. It flopped down with a small thud. The chair under him let out a defining screech as he leaned over the table and wrapped his hand softly his around Fayes neck.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted you to say that" Jungwoos lips swiftly crashed onto Fayes. His lips tasted like pepperoni pizza and mint gum-surprisingly a good combo.

"Crap" Jungwoo broke the kiss and sheepishly glanced down at his hand. A red sauce covered his hand from accidentally pressing it in pizza.

Faye snorted a chuckle as he sat back down. "Jungwoo-I am so sorry I didn't tell you about school. I felt so bad-"

"Shh-Faye it's okay I get it. Can we just promise to stop fighting so much?" Jungwoo crossed his arms cockily across his chest. "The members are going to start thinking its sexual tension."

"Jungwoo!" Faye shrieked-she slouched her shoulders as heads turned at her loud voice.

Jungwoo smirked cheekily. "Let's go home"


"Faye-" The exaggerated voice of Haechan made Faye look up from the elevator floor. "How am I going to visit you from the fifth floor? It's so far of a walk"

The pair were riding up for the first time into the new apartments. Not for Haechan-but for Faye. An anchor exhaustion damped her excitement for the new house.

A small giggle fell from Faye lips. "Channie I'm an elevator ride away"

Haechan opened his mouth to say more but the ding of the elevator door opening interrupted him. "Night Faye-see you tomorrow"

Haechan winked at her as he excited the elevator onto the fifth floor.

As the elevator continued to ascend towards the tenth floor-Faye swung her backpack onto her shoulders and picked up the last moving box from their old house.

The doors opened to reveal a small grey hallway. Only three doors lined the walls. It didn't take long to find the right door as the sound of shattering glass, followed by Taeil screeching resonated from the last door.

I have a feeling like this book is going to end soon-but do not fear!!! I'm working on a new book!!! (Sorry for any errors I'm editing this late at night)


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