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It was another grey day. Fat rain drops hit the SUV as it sped down the familiar highway towards the practice building. The massive dark clouds in the sky didn't improve Fayes already drowsy mood.

"I'm so sleepy" Mark yawned from beside her. "We need to stop waking up so early."

"Mark it's nine in the morning" Yuta commented from the back seat.

As Mark and Yuta began bickering about the appropriate time to wake up in the morning Faye turned to Jaehyun who was quietly sitting on the other side of her.

"I thought you guys had this week off to get moved" Faye noted. She had hopped she could sleep in today but duty calls.

Jaehyun turned his gaze towards her and blew out his cheeks. "Our last practice is today then we get the week off-but it's a long day today."

Faye lulled her head back in annoyance and groaned. "I hate long days"


The screeching of shoes rubbing against the dance floor echoed through out the room. The music was paused as the boys took extra care to perfect every step.

Taeyong shouted orders at the band as they practiced. Faye tuned them out as she began tracing her fingers along the leather sofa.

"Hey Faye" A deep voice spoke from beside her. She snapped her head up to see Lucas flop down onto the couch. "How's it going?"

"Pretty good. I'm bored though. What about you?" Lucas rolled his shoulders back and let out an exhausted sigh.

"We are preparing for our comeback in a few weeks. I was able to sneak away for a little while" Faye smiled as Lucas began telling her about their new comeback and dorm room horror stories.

"You should come and see our pets" Lucas said. His eye shined with adoration as he described WayVs new additions. "They are so cute"

The corners of Faye lips pulled into smile. "I will. See you!" Lucas waved as he strutted out the room and left her by herself until the boys next break.


"Have you seen my laptop?" Faye shouted from the basement up the stair case. Everyone was beginning to pack up their things for the big move.

"Did you check Jungwoos bag?!" Johnny shouted in English from the kitchen. Faye clicked her tongue as she remembered putting it in there after practice.

Speedily Faye searched through his black backpack that sat beside their bed. She panicked further when she couldn't find it.

"Looking for this?" A familiar voice spoke through the door. Relief washed over Fayes face when she saw Jungwoo standing in the doorway holding her precious laptop.

"Thank you so much! I thought I lost it-"

"Why didn't you tell me?" A deep frown etched onto Jungwoos face as he spoke. A line of confusion appeared on Fayes forehead.

"Didn't tell you what?"

A disappointed sigh fell from Jungwoos lips when he walked up to the bed and placed her laptop on it. "You got accepted to your dream university"

Faye felt speechless as Jungwoo sadly gazed at her. She felt betrayed that he would look through her things but mostly angry at herself.

Placing her hand defensively on her hips-Faye countered his attack. "How could you look through my things?"

Jungwoo stood up straighter and bore his eyes into hers. "We promised to tell each other everything Faye." His tone was calm but had a hint of annoyance.

"I wasn't going to go anyway! Why does it matter if I told you!" Faye escalated the situation by raising her voice louder.

"Because I care Faye! And what if there was a way we could have made it work?" Jungwoo ran his hand stressfully through his hair.

"We wouldn't have been able too! I'm always just following you around Jungwoo! Thats my job 'Jungwoos little soulmate' who doesn't get to live her life because her soulmate is a god damn idol!" She spat.

Faye was fuming and knew she would regret her harsh words later.

The corners of Jungwoos lips fell into a sad frown and he looked like he was on the verge of tears. "Do you really think that Faye? That you won't get a future because your my soulmate?"

"You tell me Jungwoo?! Cause from what I can see I won't get a future!" A coating of red covered Fayes cheeks as she got angrier. "It seems like everything I have done for the past few months have been for you?! Will I ever get a break?"

As the words fell from Faye lips she knew she sounded selfish-but bottled up feelings were flowing out.

A single tear feel from Jungwoos eye-followed by another. He cried as Faye only looked at him.

"I'm sorry that you feel that way" Jungwoos words were barley legible.

Her thoughts clouded by rage-Faye threw a hoodie over her head and ran out of the bedroom. Johnny who stood in the kitchen gave her a questioning look as she stomped out of the house.

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