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Faye was in a cold sweat. Her clammy palms reached up to touch her forehead.

It had definitely got warmer.

Her chest was beginning to constrict resulting in short quick breaths as the girl panicked. She hadn't even thought about the endless things that could go wrong in her abundance of pain. Faye knew this could kill her.

Wheezing she tried to haul herself out of bed. She kicked her aching feet out of the covers and planted them on the floor.

With a small hope that she could walk she took a cautious step forward; only to lose her balance and grabbing onto the night stand sending its contents flying to the floor as it tipped.

Mrs.Choi heard the crash from the kitchen. She bolted to her bedroom.

"Faye!"She exclaimed rushing to Fayes side to help her up.

Faye was losing consciousness.

"I-I'm n-n-not okay." Faye breathed out in a state of hysteria.

Fumbling to grab her phone Mrs.Choi laid down the light-headed girl on the bed.

"Faye don't worry their going to be here soon." Mrs.Choi soothed, stroking Fayes hair with her hand.

Ears ringing and her chest throbbing in pain, Faye gasped at the air. A mix of sweat and tears ran down her face.

Fayes eyes closed as she lost consciousness. Her head flopped back into the pillows. The last thing she saw was Mrs.Choi's almost teary eyes.


Her lip twitched, eyes attempting to open after she had blacked out. Faye heard unfamiliar beeping before she could see what it was coming from.

Faye was unsure what was happening. Her body was unresponsive as she tried to piece together where she was.

Aching, confused and disoriented- Faye tried to figure out what was going on. She could now feel gusts of cold air blowing at her face. She opened her eyes.

Blinking away her blurred vision she attempted to compose her self.

A small fan in the corner of the room was emitting cold air around the room. Her eyes adjusted to see a silhouette standing across the room.

Faye felt a warm, cozy almost euphoric feeling in her lift side. Curious she rolled over.

Her breath hitched in her throat. Unconscious laying beside her was a boy. His soft looking hair was scattered on the pillowcase. Faye couldn't see his face because he was facing the opposite direction.

"Miss.Shive?" A soft voice asked. Faye whipped her head around still in a state of shock to see the silhouette from before was actually a small woman.

The woman walked up to side of her bed. Faye pegged her as in her late 40s.

"You must be confused." The woman fretted.

Confused wasn't the right word to describe how Faye was feeling. She knew this day would come. Faye was more shocked at how soon it happened. The day she soulmate bonded.

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