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The ride to the practice building was painful and it felt like the weight of the world was resting on Fayes shoulders.

She was seated beside Jungwoo in the cramped van with half of the members as they drove to practice. Jungwoo could sense her discomfort the whole way there.

Nearing the building Fayes thoughts were so clouded by her dad that she couldn't even think about her anxiety.

They all piled out of the car and headed towards the building- Fayes fingers barley touching Jungwoos forearm.

"Okay let's get warmed up." Taeyong announced as they reached the large practice room.

It was simple and had mirrors climbing up from the floor to the ceiling, chairs sat in the corner of the room. Other staff members had started to trickled in.

Faye sat silently in the corner of the room- trying to concentrate on the homework she had brought. This is how she deals with grief- she bottles it up and hyper fixates on anything to get her mind of it.

Seeing as homework was not the right distraction she began to watch the boys dance.

She was mesmerized at how well they all could dance. There body's were perfectly in sync- hitting every move on time. Even  Jungwoo with his seemingly clumsy personality.

Jungwoo was undeniably attractive. His dark hair shifted around as he danced to the beat of the song. Faye found her self staring at him as he danced.

"Your staring" A voice said beside her. She spun her head around to see Haechan cheekily grinning at her.

"I'm not-"

"Yes you are. You sitting there like this" He opened his mouth and stared at Jungwoo.

A blush rose to Faye cheeks. Haechan plopped down beside  her.

"I think you should meet the dreamies" Haechan blabbed out.

Fayes face scrunched in confusion. "Who are the dreamies?"

The word sounded familiar, Heejin had said something about dreamies being hot babies. The thought of hot babies just disturbed Faye.

"They are NCT dream. There're around the same age as us."

"Back up, there is more NCT?" Haechan laughed at Fayes confused expression.

"You have so much to learn. The dreamies are all the members under 20. But now we're a rotational unit so the members will circle around as the company tell us."

"Wouldn't that be a band with just you?"

"Although that would be amazing and would literally rock the world- no. There are seven members in NCT dream. Mark is one of them but he graduated and now his back. It's really confusing."

Faye nodded along the information just going in one ear and coming out the other.

"I can tell your small brain can't take in all this information." Haechan huffed jokingly.

"It can. I just need time to process it."

"While you process it I have a question for you." Faye gestured for him to go on. "Have you even had a boyfriend?"

Her mouth fell agape. Why would he want to know this?

"Not a in weird way." Haechan panicked noticing her shocked expression. "Just like- did you date even when you knew that you had a soulmate? Cause Jungwoo has never told me his dating history and I know some soulmates dates prior to bonding."

Faye went silent. "No but I got a valentine in eighth grade."

"A valentine is not a boyfriend Faye!" Haechan burst out laughing. "This explains so much."

"What do you mean?" Faye asked a shocked expression.

"It's obvious your uncomfortable around the other sex. You hands clamp up and you go all rigid. I'm surprised your not like that with me"

"Your different. Your like a door that really easy to walk into you know? Like there's no key or anything" Faye explained.

"So your saying to want to go into me?"

"Ew! Haechan gross!" She fake gagged and hit his shoulder.

"Kidding, kidding." He rose his hands in surrender.

"Do I really look uncomfortable around you guys?"

"You look like you ether want to kill us or want to be dead." Haechan crossed his arms.

"I'm like that's it's everyone new I met. Why do I have to be weird-"

"It's okay you've only known us for one night. You have plenty of time to get to know us." 

Taeyong called back Haechan and he strutted off- making sure to wink at Fayes already blushing face.

Her conversation with Haechan served as a excellent distraction from her fathers sickness and worries about life in general.

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