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Doyoung lead to way into the tidy kitchen. Leaning against the counter he offerd Faye a class of water which she gladly accepted.

A small sigh escaped his lips. "Faye this soulmate bonding with an idol is going he hard. I don't have a soulmate-none of us do Jungwoo is the only one.This is going to be a new reality for all of us."

Faye nodded-coming to that conclusion when she first found out Jungwoo was an idol.

"I know." She replied a frown emerged on her lips.

"We have a comeback coming up so he'll have to be at the studio a lot." Doyoung pointed out.

Faye was about to respond when a boy walked in the room.

"Hyung are you making supper or are we getting take out?" He asked reaching for a glass.

"Faye this is Haechan." Doyoung introduced the boy.

He looked the same age as Faye. She smiled in a greeting.

"Hey." Haechan said nonchalantly. "When did you and Jungwoo bond?" He asked abruptly.

"Jungwoo!" Doyoung hissed.

"I think it was at your concert a few nights ago." Faye took another sip of water.

"So your a fan then?" Haechan guessed. Doyoung face palmed at the younger ones inability to socialize normally.

"No actually. My friends are though." Faye replied sheepishly.

"Cool, am I any of their biases?" Haechan wiggled his eye brows.

A giggle escaped Fayes lips. "I'm not sure. One of them likes Jaehyun I think?"

She felt a unfamiliar comfort when taking to Haechan. Like he was a key that could unlock her hidden confidence.

Haechan let out a sigh if defeat. "They all like Jae-hyun."

Faye laughed as the boy stropped out of the kitchen.

Most of the boys had ether retreated to their rooms or were sitting in the living room.

Four males remained in the living room. Three of whom were Jungwoo, Doyoung and Haechan. Doyoung gestured for Faye to sit in between Haechan and Jungwoo.

Comfortably she sat down with her shoulder barley touching Jungwoo-but where it was the familiar warmth emitted into her body.

"Faye would you like a drink?" The unknown person in the room asked her.

He was tall and had lips shaped almost like a rose. "I'm Johnny by the way."

"I'm okay. I can't drink." Faye responded quietly.

"Are you feeling okay? Is it the soulmate bond? Should Jungwoo not be drinking?" Johnny panicked as he looked at the glass of alcohol in Jungwoos hand.

"No. I'm just underage." Faye mumbled.

Haechan mouth feel agape, along with Johnnys.

"How old are you then?" Haechan asked curiously. Doyoung reached over and swatted him on the head.

"Haechan you never ask a girl what her age is" he scolded- sending a glare in Haechans direction.

"No it's fine. I'm seventeen almost eighteen." Faye said.

Haechan sat there wide eyed. "You're younger than me!" He said flabbergasted.

Faye began to shift drearily in her seat at his surprised state.

"She should meet the dreamies." Haechan suggested.

"Who should meet the dreamies?" A voice pipped in- followed by a handsome head poking around the door way.

"No one Taeil." Doyoung said rolling his eyes.

The orange haired Taeil strutted in and introduced himself to the nervous girl.

"Hi. I'm Taeil." He smiled.

Faye returned the the kind smile and watched him sit down next to Johnny.

Jungwoos members all cycled through- introducing them selfs and asking Faye various questions.

Even though it had only been a few hours Faye was beginning to find comfort in the small dorm rooms.

Jungwoo had  fallen asleep next to Faye. His head was leaning on the sofa with his arm still brushing hers.

Haechan was seated on the other side of Faye. She was currently engrossed in his re telling of how he won his first win in overwatch.

"Do you plan video games?" He asked Faye after he had finished talking.

"Not really I don't have much time" Faye admitted.

"I would beat you if you did." Haechan cracked his fingers. "I'm kind of an overwatch lord."

Faye laughed. Something about Haechan made her feel as ease. It was probably the fact that his outgoing and loud personally perfectly evened out her mellow, shy personality.

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