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Faye walked out of the main living area with her phone pressed against her ear. She huddled in a small hallway that had doors on ether side-probably leading to the dreamies bedrooms.

"What do you mean too much to drink?" She placed her hand on her forehead in worry as she began to pace around. Concern swelled into her gut.

"He has a super low alcohol tolerance and one thing lead to another-just can you come to the bar and help me. I'm kinda the only one holding my alcohol my right now." Jaehyun sighed through the phone.

Fayes forehead creased. "Where are you now?"

"We're just waiting at he the bar. Mark is passed out on Doyoungs shoulder and Doyoung is-uh I'm not sure what he's doing. Jungwoo is struggling to walk."

"Okay-text me the address. I'll come help." Faye hung up and quickly walked back to the living room.

She grabbed her bag and looked at the boys. "I need to go-Jaehyun needs my help with something"

"Does he need me too?" Haechan asked from the lazy boy chair.

Faye shook her head. "No. I should probably go though." The boys bid her farewell as she called a taxi and rode to the address Jaehyun had sent her.


Her leg bounced nervously as the taxi pulled in next to the bar-thanking the driver she crawled out and searched for Jaehyun.

She saw the familiar boy waving at her by two parked cars. Going in to panic mode she paced up to Jaehyun. One of the cars doors were open.

Peaking in the door she saw a flushed Jungwoo flopped across the middle seats. He's head was leaning against the window and his legs almost sprawled out of the small car.

"Jungwoo?" She squinted her eye trying to see him-the only light source were the street lamps over head.

Jungwoo looked at her with sleepy eyes. A pink hue covered his cheeks. "Hey Faye-Faye."

Faye turned to Jaehyun. "How many drinks did he have? And where is Doyoung and Mark?"

Faye sounded like a scolding mother. Jaehyun guiltily scratched the back of his head. "Uh-like only four-I'm not sure. Mark and Doyoung are in the other car. There is not enough room for us all in one."

Faye huffed in annoyance. "I can ride back with Jungwoo"

Jaehyun nodded "Bye Faye and uh-I'm sorry"

"It's not you fault. Sorry for getting mad at you." Faye waved him off and began to strategize how she was going to move Jungwoo into a seat.

As Jaehyun stalked away Faye began to move Jungwoo. She lifted his ankles off the seat and hopped into the car. Grabbing his shoulders she sat him up straight and buckled him in.

She flopped down beside him and buckled her self in- giving the driver the okay to drive back to the dorms.

"Faye you are getting so nice to me" Jungwoo slurred out as he slumped his head on her shoulder. "But why were you mad in the practice room?"

Faye narrowed her eyes at the intoxicated boy as she flicked his head off her shoulder. "I wasn't mad. You just didn't give me enough time to explain my self"

Jungwoos lips scrunched as he furrowed his eye brows at her. He thankfully dropped the topic as he pressed his head lazily against the window.

The tiny car pulled up the curb-it was a struggle to pull Jungwoo out of the car. Once she had successfully lugged the drunk boy out of the car she thanked the driver. Faye was left with Jungwoo leaning on her as she pulled him inside.

Jaehyun had arrived long before her and had already put Mark and Doyoung in bed. He was already going to sleep in his own bedroom.

Grunting she began to pull Jungwoo through the main floor. "Jungwoo" She breathed out. He hummed in response.

"Do you think maybe you can walk down the stairs by yourself?" She panted out and wiped the beads of sweat that were beginning to form on her forehead.

"Yeah I've got this." Faye watched in horror as he stepped forward-completely missing the step and rolling down the stairs.

"Jungwoo!" She shrieked out. She stumbled down the stairs behind him. "Are you hurt?"

She bend down-grabbed his hands and started to help him stand up. He dizzily clutched on to Fayes forearms as he stood up.

"I'm all good Faye-Faye." Fayes eye widened when she saw blood dripping from his nostrils.  "Let's get you to bed"

"Pfft I'm fine" He slurred out as he pushed her away. He began to tilt towards the floor. Faye hastily grabbed his torso and slammed her body next to hers. The fact that they were literally pressed together didn't even cross her mind.

She tightly held onto him as she walked him to the bedroom. Sliding the door open with her foot- she shoved him on the edge of the bed and ran off to grab toilet paper for his bloody nose.

When she returned he was slouched against the head board of the bed. Faye sighed as she crawled next to him.

"Stay still." She hushed as she began to wipe to blood from his nose-it was no longer running but blood was still smeared on his face.

She gently stroked the tissue across his face as a goofy grin appeared on his face.

"I'm so glad that your nice to me now." Jungwoo sighed as he slumped back. Faye frowned.

"I was nice before." She tossed the dirty toilet paper in the garbage bin across the room.

Jungwoo lazily looked Faye in the eyes "Yeah but now your like nice to me. We're friends now."

Faye chuckled-it was true now she was trying to have some sort of relationship with him. "I guess."

Jungwoo hazily watched as Faye flicked off her shoes and walked out of the room with her pyjamas clutched in her hand.

Faye quickly slipped on her fluffy pjs and brushed her hair out. She made sure to fill a glass of water for Jungwoo before she stalked back to the bedroom.

Jungwoo was still seated on the bed and was struggling to pull his sneakers off. "Here I'll help"

Faye leaned forward and fumbled his shoes off his feet. She glided his arms out of his wind breaker and shuffled next to him.

Faye slid under the covers and felt Jungwoo snuggle in beside her. She flicked off the night lit and sunk under the sheets.



"I'm so glad that I met you and that were soulmates. At this point I can't imagine my life with out you."

Although it was probably the alcohol talking-something in Jungwoos tone made her believe that what he said was a sober thought.



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