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"We're what?" Faye couldn't hide the shock in her voice as she stared blankly at Taeyong in front of her.

"We are moving." Taeyong repeated. His arms were crossed calmly across his chest as he told her the news. "The company thought it would be better if we moved closer to the building. The new dorm is a lot nicer too"

Faye nibbled on her bottom lip as she absorbed the news. She sat in front of Taeyong at the dinning room table.

"Have you told the others?" She asked. Faye began to question if Jungwoo had kept something from her.

Taeyong shook his head. "No-I just found out today."

Folding her fingers Faye met Taeyongs gaze. "When do we move?"

"This week."

"This week?!" She shrieked. This gave her no time to prepare. Faye began to feel panicked as she thought about packing everything up.

Taeyong let out a stiff chuckle. "Don't worry. We are all taking the week off to move."

A drop of relief hit Faye but she was still making a mental list of all the things she would have to do. "What are the sleeping arraignments?"

"You and Jungwoo obviously. I'm not sure for everyone else. We are using two floors though. I think the tenth and the fifth."

Faye bobbed her head as she thought about the days to come. Nervous excitement flowed through her veins.

After bidding goodbye to Taeyong-Faye decided to get some fresh air. Rain drizzled on the side walk outside and a cold bite lingered in the air. Fall was coming fast.

The road was relatively empty-it was well past dinner time and most people were probably heading to bed.

Faye kept her head down as she sauntered down the familiar street to the convenient store. She had a craving for instant ramen and soda.

A gust of warm air hit her wet face as she strolled into the store. Faye greeted the clerk and hastily searched for her goodies.

Just as she finished paying for two bowls of instant ramen and one soda Faye felt a vibration in her back pocket.

                      Channie 👁👄👁

Where r u?

                                    Getting food. Why?

I'm bored and some of
the dreamies came

Faye felt her face heat up with excitement. It had been a few weeks since she had seen them and she was urning to hang out with people her age.

Quickly she grabbed more ramen and soda for the boys and mad dashed home.


"Scoot over you sog." Haechan smirked as he kicked Faye to the other side of the couch.

"Hey watch where you put your feet." Faye jokingly complained as Haechans foot flew straight into her rib.

Jisung, Chenle, Renjun, Haechan and Faye all sat in the living room playing video games and eating food together. The majority of NCT 127 was still at the practice building so they had no interruptions.

"Faye-" Chenle cocked his head to look at the girl beside him. "Have you got university stuff lined up yet?"

Faye bit her tongue nervously. "Kinda"

Chenles eye brows knitted together at her sceptical tone. "What's wrong?"

"Well-" Guilt flushed on her face as Faye thought of the words. "I finally got my acceptance letter from my dream school-"

"That's great!" Jisung exclaimed.

"But-it's six hours away." Both Jisung and Chenles face fell. Just like her-they knew that it wouldn't work out.

Renjun paused the video game console and turned to her. "Do you have a back up plan?"

"Sort of. I have other schools I've been accepted too but they aren't the one I wanted to go to. I'll just go to one closer"

"Have you told Jungwoo?" Haechan asked from the floor.

Faye fiddled with her fingers nervously as Haechan glanced at her. She opened her mouth to reply but snapped it shut when the front door slammed open.

"I'm so tired." Taeils voice groaned through the main floor. Haechan adverted his attention to Taeil, Jungwoo and Johnny who had just walked in.

A forced smile landed on Faye lips as Jungwoo walked up to her and planted a small kiss on her forehead.

"How was practice?" Faye inquired. Everyone began to talk amongst each other while Jungwoo plopped himself down beside her on the couch.

"Pretty good. Everyone else is coming back in a different car." As if on qu the front door swung open a second time and the rest of NCT 127 strutted in.

The living room quickly became loud as everyone chatted about various things. Faye eaves dropped on Jungwoo and Jisungs conversation in an attempt to distract herself from school dilemma.


Once everyone had retreated to their different room and the dreamies has left for home. Faye was left lying in bed waiting for Jungwoo while he showered.

Her brain felt full as she restlessly rolled around in the soft comforter. She planned on never telling Jungwoo of her acceptance-she just hopped Haechan could keep his mouth shut.

The door creaked open. Faye furrowed her eyebrows when she didn't hear anyone walk in.

"Hello?" She asked confused. Sitting up Fayes eye widened twice their normal size.

"Jungwoo!" Faye screamed and smacked her head down into the pillow. She felt her face flush with a crimson red. "Why don't you have clothes on!?"

Fast footsteps stomped on the hardwood as Jungwoo walked in. "I'm sorry I forgot my towel and pyjamas. Just keep you head down"

Faye felt confused as to why he sounded nonchalant even through she had just seen his whole naked front side.

"Dude warn me next time!" Faye burrowed her head deeper into the pillows and prayed she would stop blushing.

A small chuckle echoed in the room. "First off it's not 'dude'-I am you boyfriend thank you very much-" Jungwoos tone was mockingly sassy and made Faye giggle. "Secondly you'll see it one day anyway."

Fayes light laughter ceased at his statement. Her throat went dry as her face burned with embarrassment.

She heard the main light get flicked off and the tiny night light turned on. Faye stayed frozen in the pillows while the bed dipped and Jungwoo climbed in.

"Awe- are you embarrassed?" Jungwoo teased. He lightly tussled her hair causing her to squirm around.

"No-" She lied. Flipping over-Faye leaned up on her elbow and rested her head in her hand. "Your just gross and perverted"

A fake frown appeared on Jungwoos full lips. "I'm not a perv-your just denying the truth."

Rolling her eyes-Faye flopped over so she was facing the ceiling. Jungwoo let out a deep sigh and mirrored her action.

"I love you Faye"

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