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Faye felt as though the world has froze. She felt paralyzed-but deep down she knew that her dad wouldn't have survived. While his death was sudden it was always looming.

Memories flooded back to her of all the times she fought with her mom so she didn't have to visit him. Even though it wasn't her fault she blamed her self for his death.

Her breath hitched in her dry throat as tears began to cascade down her red cheeks. Forcefully she threw the phone across the room. She dug her fingers in to her scalp as she slid down the wall.

Jungwoo laid silently on the bed-although he wasn't fluent in English he could tell something terrible had happened when he heard something crash against the wall. "Faye?" He asked quietly.

"Shut the fuck up." Her sadness came out in anger. She was angry at everything-the bond, her mum- but mostly herself.

Jungwoo rose out of bed at her strong words. He glanced over to see his soulmate slumped against the wall with her hands in her hair.

The room was silent-the only noise coming from the massive droplets of rain smacking against the window.

"Faye calm down." Jungwoo spoke in a gentle soft tone-in attempt to calm his soulmate.

Faye glanced up at him- unable to regulate her emotions. "How the fuck am I suppose to calm down Jungwoo?! Fuck you! You don't even know whats going on!" She spat.

Jungwoo was hurt by her harsh words and wanted to sit down and cry beside her but he had to be strong. "Faye you need to tell me what's wrong-so I can help." He said sternly.

"Just shut up! I don't want you help! Go away you stupid fuck!" She shouted. Jungwoo had enough. He was trying to help.

Unexpectedly Jungwoo stood up and walked over to Faye. He bend down and put a arm under her thighs and the other behind her back.

"What the hell-" Jungwoo picked her up bridal style and walked out of the room. Faye began hitting his chest-yelling all sorts of curse words.

Yuta and Taeil who were in the living room gawked at the younger boy- this was so out of character for for him. Wordlessly he slipped on his shoes and walked out the front door into the harsh rain.

Faye continued to slap Jungwoos chest as he placed her in the passenger seat of the managers Lincoln. He slammed the door and climbed in the driver seat.

Silently he drove off with Faye hugging her knees as she bawled. She felt so helpless and alone.

They drove for thirty minutes-rain hit the windows making it hard for Jungwoo to drive. The clapping of thunder could be heard through the cars clean windows.

Jungwoo pulled the car off the rode and parked in a clearing of trees. From the ledge they were stopped on the city of Seoul could barley be seen because of the rain and clouds.

Faye had calmed down-she was no longer screaming but tears stung her eyes. They sat in silence while Jungwoo contemplated what to say to his distraught soulmate.

"I'm sorry." Faye spoke up. She didn't look at Jungwoo but she felt his gaze on her as she cradled her legs.

Jungwoo wasn't sure what to say. "It's okay. Uh-do you want to talk about it?"

Faye inhaled a shaky breath. "My dad passed away." As she said it more tears flooded out of her eyes. She felt so inferior and defenceless-losing her dad broke all the walls that guarded her emotions.

Jungwoos heart broke. He wanted to say the right words-but they wouldn't come out of his mouth. Jungwoo ran his fingers through his damp hair. "I'm so sorry Faye."

He knew this wouldn't help. People can say 'I'm sorry' and 'my condolences' a million times but it won't fix the fact that they're gone.

"What was he like?" He asked. Faye kept her head in her knees.

"He was so friendly and outgoing- everything I'm not." She rose her head and looked out the foggy windshield. "He was able to convince my mom to let me come here."

Jungwoo listened attentively as Faye began to reminisce about her father. It felt good when she talked about it.

She talked about the good memories with her dad until her words got caught in her throat when she thought about him in the hospital and how she avoided him.

"Before coming here he was in and out of the hospital a lot. I never visited him and when he was home I always found excuses not to be home." She sobbed harder.

"I should have been there! I-I-I should have never come here! Why did I neglect him?!" Faye yelled and smacked her head down in her knees.

Jungwoo didn't have the right words to say. Silently he unbuckled and leaned over to Faye. He wrapped his arms around the grieving girl. "Shh it's not your fault." He soothed.

She sniffled and tiredly looked at the boy with his hands around her. In the midst of her melt down she felt something she had never felt before- butterflies began dancing around her stomach at sight of Jungwoo holding her.

"Thanks Jungwoo." She blinked as she looked down at her lap. "I know I haven't made this easy for you."

"Faye this is what relationship is about- we need to figure each other out and compromise." Faye was surprised at his wise words. He released her and sat back down in his seat.

"I know this pain will hurt for a long time-but for now do you want to get food?" Faye chuckled at his attempt to cheer her up. She nodded and he started the car.

They were silent as Jungwoo drove to the restaurant-he was proud of how he had handled the situation. It was confusing and new to him but he felt it would work out okay.

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