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Faye was surprised at how much time had elapsed since they left the dorms. It was already four in the evening. Jungwoo pulled into a almost empty parking in front of a quant Chinese restaurant.

"Is hotpot okay? I was really craving some?" Faye laughed at the hungry boy. She smiled as they walked into the restaurant.

The waitress gave the soulmates a weird stare as they sat down. Faye was still in her panda pjs and over sized orange hoodie-she also had no shoes on. Jungwoo had red plaid pyjama pants and a snoopy sweat shirt.

Jungwoo ordered for them both and they waited for the food to arrive.

"Isn't your birthday soon?" Jungwoo asked-trying to start a conversation.

"Yeah it's tomorrow actually." Faye said nonchalantly as she sipped her water.

Jungwoos eyes widened. "Tomorrow! Faye how are you not bouncing off the walls! It's you birthday tomorrow!" Faye giggled at the childish boy.

"Birthdays were never a big deal for me. I didn't have very many friends so my birthday consisted of my mom baking me cake then we ate it with my dad." Faye glanced at Jungwoo. "Sad I know."

"It's not sad. I mean you don't seem like the type to like large parties any way." Jungwoo pointed out.

Faye was about to say something but was interrupted by the waitress bringing various dishes to complete their hot pot.

They didn't speak as they ate. Faye could tell Jungwoo was starving-she didn't see him eat this morning.

"Do your members think I'm crazy?" Faye asked- people's opinions of her always had a say in her identity.

Jungwoo stopped eating and put down his chop sticks. "No. They love you-Haechan always wants to hang out with you."

"But we fight and they probably think I'm toxic or something." Faye fiddled with her fingers.

"It doesn't matter what they think Faye. Soulmates fight all the time-especially in the beginning. Plus you've only known them for just over a week."

Faye let his words sink in- 'it doesn't matter what they think'.She didn't reply as she continued eating.

After their filling meal the soulmates headed back to the dorm. Faye was bouncing her knee in anxiety as they pulled up to the house.

As they walked in everything went quiet. An awkward silence resonated on the first floor as Faye and Jungwoo made their way into the living room.

"Hey guys." Jungwoo greeted Johnny, Taeyong, Jaehyun and Doyoung- who were all seated on the living room furniture.

Jaehyun let out an awkward cough. "How was your day?"

Jungwoo picked up on the weird atmosphere and tried to play it cool. "Good we chatted and went for hotpot."

"You chatted all day? Jeez." Haechan peaked around the corner. Faye waved at him- wanting the ground to swallow her under the members intense gazes.

Jungwoo began talking to his members- Faye trickled down to her bedroom.  She picked up her phone that sat in the corner of the room. It's screen was smashed and it's battery had run out.

This was a wake up call for Faye to get a job so she could pay for the repairs. "Why?" She groaned as she pulled at her hair. Faye flopped on the bed-wanting more than anything to just fall asleep.


Faye woke up with the usual warmth not beside her. She sat up to see Jungwoo not in the room- Doyoung had told her a few days ago that he had a early morning studio session with some other members.

Swinging her legs over the bed she groaned. It was that time of the month-Satan's waterfall was beginning to flow.

Panic arose in Faye throat as she realized that she had no pads. She almost died of embarrassment when she noticed a big red stain imprinted on her pyjama pants butt.

Having no car or licenses legal in Korea she thought about who she could ask to get her pads. For the time being she used toilet paper and changed her pants.

Doyoung seemed like the best option to ask-but he was unfortunately at the studio. The only members currently in the house were Taeyong, Yuta and Taeil. All of whom Faye had spoken less than ten words to.

Faye stumbled up the stairs in pain and saw Taeyong colouring on a pair of sneakers- Taeil was seated beside him scrolling on his phone. Taeyong acknowledged her by nodding his head. Taeil didn't notice she had come up the stairs.

"Can ether of you drive?" Faye asked. She hopped they wouldn't ask why.

Both Taeyong and Taeil looked up at her. "I can." Taeil said.

"Why?" Taeyong asked-still drawing on his shoes.

Faye shifted on her feet. "I just need to go to a convince store."

"What do you need?" Taeyong mumbled.

"Just some uh-" Faye stuttered. The two men looked at her confused. She shyly pointed at her crotch area-not wanting to say to out loud. The boys faces fell agape when they realized what she was talking about.

"Oh-uh-yeah I take you." Taeil hastily stood up and grabbed his keys. Faye felt humiliated.

"I'll come too I need to get band aids." Taeyong arose and pulled on his shoes.

Taeyong and Taeil climbed into the passenger and driver seats of a black corolla. Faye squished into the back seat.

They silently drive to a near by convent store. Taeil waited in the car while Taeyong pulled on his mask and walked in along side Faye.

Faye scampered off to find pads. She grabbed heating pads and chocolate bars along the way. Faye could tell this period was going to be a bitch.

Faye searched the aisles for Taeyong. She finally found him browsing the frozen foods. "Do you like popsicles?" Taeyong asked through his mask.

"Yeah." Faye muttered. She could tell Taeyong was just as awkward as her.

"Which flavour?" Taeyong asked.

"Oh-you don't have to buy me-"

"No it's fine I want to." Taeyong interrupted. She pointed at the strawberry flavour and Taeyong picked it up along with a chocolate and grape.

Taeyong bought the popsicles and band aids-along with awkwardly insisting on buying Fayes pads which he ended up buying for her.

Taeil drove off once Taeyong and Faye had returned. The trio licked their popsicles as rain began to patter against the windows.

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