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"Jungwoo careful the broth is spilling" Faye whispered as Jungwoo struggled to creak open the door with his foot-while holding two bowls of hot ramen.

The soulmates sat parallel to each other on the soft bed and started to scarf down their ramen. Faye hummed in satisfaction.

"You are an excellent ramen chef." Faye complemented.

A blush stained Jungwoos already rosy cheeks as he continued to eat.

"Hm-I've been wanting to ask you this." Faye asked as she made eye contact with Jungwoo. "When did you find out you had a soulmate?"

Jungwoo placed down his chop sticks. "Uh-I think I was eight."

"Eight?! How did you not find out sooner? You had to have felt pain before then. You would have been four when I was born." Faye stated as she struggled to put more noddles in her mouth.

"I guess-but I didn't know for sure until I was eight. I was walking home from school on day and my left leg just roared in pain-I could move it and I just fell over.

Thankfully the pain only lasted a few hours"

Faye began to put the pieces together in her mind. "Oh-That must have been the time that I broke my leg when I was four. Sorry about that."

Jungwoo let out a deep laugh. "When did you find out?"

"I was four and my grandma was baking cookies. Suddenly my ribs felt like they were breaking- I don't know what you did man but it hurt like hell" Faye chuckled.

"I don't even remember." Jungwoo finished off his ramen and placed the bowl on the nightstand. Faye slurped up her last noodle and put her bowl beside his.

She let out an exhausted yawn. "We should go to sleep."

Jungwoo nodded as he flick off the night light. As they began to doze off in silence-Jungwoo spoke up.

"Faye I don't know if your sleeping yet-but thanks for being my soulmate. I don't know what I would do with out you."

A smile danced on Fayes lips as her eye fluttered closed.


Faye stirred her milkshake as she watched the boys pose for a photo shot. She had been sitting in the same spot for nearly two hours-her butt cheeks were beginning to lose feeling.

She watched as the stylists walked up to the boys to re touch there make up. Huffing in boredom she felt the couch dip beside her.

"Why were you and Jungwoo awake at three am yesterday?" Haechan asked with an eyebrow raised. "Ew-did you guys-" he lowered his voice to a breathy whisper "do it?"

The chocolate milk shake Faye had been sipping flew down the wrong wind pipe causing her to go into a frantic coughing fit.

Haechan broke into hysterical laughter as he watched the girl choke.

"You are such-" Faye coughed "a pervert."

Her face was red-almost purple from choking. "We made ramen and talked"

Haechan eyed her questionably. "Sure you did." He snatched the milk shake from her hand and took a sip. "Did you know more than 75% of the soulmate population fall in love with in two weeks of knowing each other. It's about time for you two."

Sending a threatening glance at Haechan because he stole her drink-Faye responded. "Yeah but did you know that over 20% of the soulmate population ether don't fall in love or get a divorce."

She stole the drink back from him and slurped it-the chocolate goodness invaded her senses. "Your saying you don't want to fall in love with Jungwoo?"

A frown formed of Haechans face. "You two are so perfect. Your like opposites but completely the same person at the same time. It just works."

"I didn't say that. I just don't think ether of us are ready for that." Faye disagreed. A small brick sunk into the bottom of her stomach when she thought of living her life with out Jungwoo as her soulmate.

Haechan looked up as his name was called. "I've gotta go-duty calls."

As he walked off he whisper shouted"Hashtag Faye-woo for life"

Faye rubbed her forehead in disappointment-why was he like this? She finished off her milk shake as a familiar tall boy walked up to her.

"What were you and Haechan talking about?" Jungwoo asked as he plopped down beside her-making sure their shoulders were touching.

"Uh-nothing. You looked really good up there by the way." Faye stuttered.

The corners of Jungwoos lips curved into a smile. "Thanks. Sorry this is so boring for you."

"No it's fine. I don't mind-but can we get some food soon? I've been living off milkshakes for the past few hours"

Jungwoo agreed that afterwords they could go for food with the members.

I just realized that people are actually reading this-gracias


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