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The house had a simple homey look from the outside. It appeared to have only one story but the manager explained that most of the rooms are in the basement.

Faye dug her finger nails into her palms as the manager unlocked the door. He swung to door open to reveal the entry hallway.

To her right was a mountain was shoes and in front of her was a pile of random boxes. It wasn't necessarily messy but it wasn't neat.

The manager swiftly moved the boxes to the side and lead her inside. Turning a sharp corner there was a small living space with a sofa, tv and a dinning table- various items on it were scattered on it.

Across from the table was a stair well leading to the basement.

The manager lead her towards the kitchen which was behind the wall that the tv was rested on.

The kitchen was spotless with only a glass of water situated on the counter. A door was beside the fridge.

"That's some of Jungwoos members bedroom." The manager explained. Faye nodded and continued to follow him around as he gave her a 'tour'.

He walked down the stairs with Faye trailing closely behind him.

The downstairs was much simpler than the first floor. It had only a hallway and five doors on the left side of the hall and a door at the end of the hallway.

"There are two bathrooms up stairs and one down here. Jaehyun moved out of Jungwoos room so you two can room together." The manager said awkwardly-obviously not comfortable with one of his idols sleeping with a girl.

Faye felt bad that a member had to move rooms just to accommodate her. She hoped that their bond could strengthen soon so should could move out and only have to see Jungwoo every couple days.

"Jungwoo!" The manager screamed-his voice echoing through the empty house.

A crash could be heard from the door at the end of the hall followed by a whimper of pain from Jungwoo.

"One sec"

An embarrassed looking Jungwoo emerged out of his room. He was in soft looking track pants and a over sized t-shirt.

"Hi." He waved at Faye. She waved back.

The manager looked at his phone with a concerned look on his face. "I need to go the boys end practice soon and I need to talk with them before they go."

The manager handed Faye her suit case and trudged up stairs, slamming the door on his way out.

Faye had wished he would have stayed. She found his controlling personality calming-like he could over some any situation.

Jungwoo just stood in the door way- the thought of inviting her in never even coming to his mind.

They shared uncomfortable glances as Faye shuffled on her feet. The ache of not having Jungwoos touch was beginning to cause her pain.

"Uh-right come on in." Jungwoo stumbled on his words as he let her into his room.

His room was surprisingly spot less. Everything had its place. There were two twin sized beds on ether side of the room. To the right of the door there was a large wooden shelf with various knick-knacks in it. On the other side of the room there was a gutter window, showing only grass and a little bit of the sky.

"Here is your bed." Jungwoo pointed at the left bed. Faye painfully placed her suitcase on the bed.

She felt like it was her first day at summer camp. A mixture of excitement and mostly anxiety flowed through her body.

Fayes head ache and joint pain was getting worse with every passing minute she wasn't touching Jungwoo. She looked over at him. He was fidgeting with a toy on his shelf-looking perfectly fine- unlike Faye who was dying inside.

My *two* readers trying to read my description of the house:

My *two* readers trying to read my description of the house:

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