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Pine trees covered in sparkly colored Christmas ornaments were sitting in the lobby of SM entertainment. Korean Christmas carols Faye had never heard were playing through the almost empty room.

"Faye!" Someone called out. Faye cocked her head to the sound. Mark was breathlessly running towards her. His hair was matted onto his sweaty forehead from practice. "Jungwoo told me to tell you to head back to the dorms in a car outside. We won't be done practice for another few hours."

Disappointed yet not surprised Faye nodded her head. She lifted her lips into a half hearted smile. "Thanks Mark. See you later."

Sensing her sadness, Mark chuckled to lighten the mood. "Don't worry with Christmas coming up. He will get more time off. We all will."

Pushing pasted the mixture of sadness and annoyance that we're beginning to boil in her gut-Faye bid Mark goodbye and headed outside.

A thin layer of flaky white snow covered the street. When Faye stepped outside her sneakers left a mushy grey foot print in the snow. The pitch black sky was buried in a think layer of clouds.

Quickly Faye spotted the headlights of a dark SUV parking in the parking lot. She cautiously wondered over it, with hopes of not slipping and falling in the snow.

The dorm looked the same as always. The usual variety of clothes and dirty dishes were scattered in every room. Upon entering the room Faye glanced at the calendar hanging on the fridge.

It was December 22ed.

Three more days until Christmas. The thought of spending Christmas with Jungwoo caused the grey cloud that loomed over her head to evaporate. She had surprisingly finished her Christmas shopping weeks ago.

High on a sudden surge of happiness, Faye flicked on all the lights and connected her phone to the speaker Jaehyun left in his room. She let the whole dorm fill with Christmas songs she sung as a kid.

Dispute the fact that it was eleven forty six at night, Faye was dancing around the dorm with a flour encrusted apron tied around her waist. She was carelessly baking gingerbread cookies to lift her spirits further.

The state of holiday cheer Faye was feeling led to someone persistently knocking door to go unnoticed by her.

The cookies looked fantastic in Fayes opinion. Around thirty coffee colored gingerbread men were lined across the dinning room table. She had bowls of different bright colored frosting surrounding them.

Just as she began frosting the first one, a voice cause her to squirt a long streak of icing across the table. "Faye!"

She turned around to see who had called her. Chenle and Jisung-both in their pyjamas, were standing in the doorway.

"Finally we were knocking forever" Chenle exaggerated. He dramatically waltzed over to inspect her cookies. "Looks good" He said before snatching one of the table.

Faye frowned in response and watched as Jisung took one too. "So, why are you guys here?" She quirked an eyebrow skeptically. Jisungs and Chenle only came over if they wanted something.

Jisung faked looking offended before reaching into his pocket. "We made you a Christmas gift."

Snorting Faye look them in the eyes. "You made me a gift? Really?" She highly doubted two teenage boys got her a gift.

Jisung pulled a yellow chain looking thing out of his front pocket. Ten tiny key chains hung from it. Each chain was a different object.

"Woah." Fayes fingers wrapped around the plastic cord. "Thank you guys. What is it though?"

Chenle scratched his freshly dyed scalp. "We aren't totally sure. Maybe a necklace or something you can put around your mask."

A smile erupted of Fayes face. With out hesitation she engulfed both boys in a bone crushing hug. "I love it, thank you!"

"Yes Chenle?"
"You got frosting on my shirt."

Faye rolled her eye before pulling away. "Way to ruin the moment."

Chenle smiled and patted her on the head. "We probably won't see you until after Christmas. Bye Faye. Merry Christmas!"

"Bye guys!" She ushered both of them out the door and exhaled a thoughtful sigh. The clock on kitchen wall read two am and the bags hanging under her eyes told her it was time for bed.

December 24th

"Jungwoo your going to break it!" Faye silently shrieked. She was watching Jungwoo recklessly handle a fragile gifts she had bought for his sisters family.

Smirking Jungwoo placed the brightly wrapped gift on his lap and leaned back in his chair. The two of them sat in a train headed for Jungwoos parents house. It had only been less than an hour on the train and the two of them were getting restless.

"Are you nervous about meeting my parents?" Jungwoo turned towards Faye and asked her. A thoughtful look sat in his eyes.

Faye shook her head. "I've seen them on FaceTime lots and your mom sends me letters twice a month so no, not really. Why?"

Jungwoo shrugged his shoulders. "Nothing-I just know meeting new people used to make you nervous."

"Oh yeah" Faye smiled. She was so glad that meeting a new person didn't send her into a downward spiral of mortal doom anymore.

Although the train ride was tedious and boring-both Jungwoo and Faye survived by eating the countless amount of chocolates the manger had sent them with and sleeping on each other's shoulders.

Due to the fact that it was Christmas Eve the train station was packed with people making last minute trips to see their loved ones. The atmosphere was lively and excited as people shuffled around carrying Christmas gifts.

"Where did your dad say he would pick us up?" Faye asked Jungwoo. She reached for his hand and took it in hers.

"He said in the parking lot. Come on!" A spark Faye had never seen was lit up in Jungwoos eyes. She could sense he was beyond excited to see his parents. Being an idol he can't see them often.

The two of them got a few nasty stares of people they accidentally pushed as they ran through the train station. The suit cases tiny wheels that Jungwoo was pulling could barely keep up with his long strides.

"There he is!" Jungwoos long finger pointed towards a man standing outside of a white car. As they trudged through the deep layer of freshly fallen snow, Faye could feel Jungwoos hand begin vibrate.

"Appa!" Jungwoos long arms wrapped around the man. The two exchanged happy greets before pulling away.

From FaceTime calls Faye could see Jungwoo and his dad resemblance however, she could not see that they had the same gentle eyes.  Both of them reminded her of cute puppies. Without saying anything, Jungwoos dad abruptly pulled Faye in for a tight hug. "You have no idea how happy I are to finally meet you in person.

"It's lovely to meet you too Mr-"

"No, no, call me Appa." Jungwoos dad insisted. Faye nodded and helped his tossed their bags in the trunk.

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