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"Faye you suck as this!" Haechan obnoxiously shouted as the girl struggled to keep her game character alive.

"Haechan stop shooting me I am trying to help you!" Jeno shouted through the phone that was placed on Haechans desk.

Faye stuck her tongue in between her lips in concentration. This was one of the first video games she's ever played-aside from super mario.

"I can't kill him-he's going to-" Faye let out a defeated groan as her avatar was struck down by another game player.

She let out a sleepy yawn. It was well passed one am and Faye had been playing video games with Jeno and Haechan for the past two hours.

She said her goodbyes to Jeno and Haechan and briskly walked towards her bedroom.

Jungwoo had went to bed as soon as they got home. He was lying on his back with his long legs stretched across the bed. Faye groaned as she thought of possible ways to move his legs.

With out waking Jungwoo- she gripped his bony ankles and swiftly swung he's legs to his side of the bed. Faye carefully climbed in beside him and shuffled next him. Sleep was the only thing on Fayes  tired mind.


Faye felt something warm and hard under chest. Her fingers were loosely wrapped around someone's strong hand.

Someones breath was crawling down her neck and shoulders. Fayes eyes fluttered opened. She almost had a heart attack when she noticed the awkward position she was in.

Fayes chest was flush against Jungwoos-making her on top of him. Their legs were tangled together and she was trapped- his long arms were wrapped around her torso.

She found herself guiltily not wanting to leave his embrace. Having this much contact with Jungwoo made her feel like her body was on fire- a warm enjoyable fire. It was the best she had ever felt in her whole life.

Painfully she began attempting to wiggle out of his grasp. As she shifted a soft groan escape his red lips-she started to panic.

Jungwoo looked down at the girl in his arms. "Uh-I was-" Faye stuttered-unable to form coherent sentences. His eyes widened and he quickly released the struggling girl.

"Sorry" Was all that Jungwoo could say in his flustered state-that was the most he had ever touched a girl.

Wanting to leave the awkward atmosphere Faye bolted out of the room. She was still wearing her pyjamas- they were blue with pandas decorating the fluffy material.

She eagerly ran up the stairs-with hopes of forgetting the whole 'waking up on top of someone' thing.

The house was seemingly silent. Faye glanced around. A clock above the dinning room able read six thirty four am. Groaning because of how early it was Faye wandered towards the kitchen.

With her below average cooking skills Faye only ate a bowl of cereal and a apple she found sitting on the dinning room table.

The patter of soft doors steps were heard emerging from downstairs. A dazed looking Mark came and sat across from her.

"Why are you awake so early?" Mark rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. His hair was disheveled and his eyes were puffy with sleep.

"I couldn't sleep any longer." Faye lied- normally on a rest day she could sleep in till noon.

Faye continued to eat her breakfast as they sat in a comfortable silence. Absentmindedly she began to hum Highway to Heaven.

A smile danced on Mark lips. "Do you like that song?"

Faye nodded. "I heard it at your concert. It was really good."

"What kind of music do you listen to. I know you don't listen to kpop." Mark asked-leaning back farther into his chair.

"It's going to sound like I'm insane but I've never really listened to music." Faye began playing with her fingers. "I've never found a interest or comfort in it."

Mark nodded his head. "Do you want to hear something?"

Faye furrowed her eyes in confusion but agreed. He stood up and Faye follow him to the living room.

Rain hit the living room window and clouds covered the once blue sky. This kind of weather would give a gloomy feeling to most-but Faye felt relaxed and warm as Mark picked up his guitar.

Slowly he began strumming it. A unknowen tone resonated in Faye ears. His voice was beautiful as he started to sing.

Jungwoo lazily walked up the stairs. He heard Marks singing voice float through the house. Jungwoo was surprised when he turned the corner to see his soulmate seating on the couch beside Make while he serenaded her.

Jealously bubbled up in Jungwoos gut. He should be the one singing to her-not Mark. Jungwoo felt petty and deflated as he walked back down to his room.

"That was beautiful Mark!" Faye cheered once he had finished. "I wish I could sing like that."

Mark blushed at her compliments. "Thanks Faye."

She smiled. "I am going to go get dressed. Thanks for sharing that with me." Mark grinned as she walked down the stairs.

Arriving downstairs she had completely forgotten about this mornings awkward moment with Jungwoo. She happily strutted inside the bedroom.

Jungwoos eyes closed when he heard her walk through the door. He was mad at her for a petty reason and all he wanted to do was mope around in bed.

He heard her shuffle through her things until a phone rang throughout the room.

Thinking Jungwoo was asleep Faye picked up her mother's phone call-anxious for what her mum had to tell her. "Hello"

"Faye?!"Her mother cried through the phone.

"Mum what's wrong?" An internal panic began swirling inside Faye chest.

Fayes mother sucked in a breath. "Your dad h-h-he" Her mother began stuttering.

"He's what mum?" Faye whispered through the phone-tears began to stream down her face as she could guess the answer.

"He's not going to make it."

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