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"Do you want to talk about it?" Mark continued as he studied Fayes distraught face.

She shifted in her seat and started playing with her fingers. "Not really" It's not because she didn't want to- Faye just could find the words to describe how she was feeling.

Mark let out a breath from his nostrils and nodded. "Do you want to do something? We could cook or-"

A grin replaced Fayes sad frown. "Nether of us can cook and you know it"

"True." Mark laid his head back down on the table and looked out of the window. "We could go somewhere? Its Friday night- there has to be something to do."

Faye huffed when no ideas came to her mind. She played with the lose strands of hair as she waited for Mark to come up with an idea.

Mark sucked in a breath when an idea came to mind. "I know exactly what we can do!"

He looked at her with waiting eyes. She narrowed her eyes-gesturing him to continue. "Let's go swimming"

Faye snorted a laugh thinking he was joking. Marks face contorted into a look of confusion . "I'm serious."

"Mark we can just go swimming-your a famous idol." Fayes giggles ceased when she saw his serious expression.

"Please? What if we will filled up the bathtub?"

"We can't fill up the bathtub." Marks once excited eyes deflated and he sat deeper into his chair.

"Oh-I know! Let's play basketball." It sounded like a good idea-if Faye could do more than five jumping jacks without dying of exhaustion. "We have a hoop in the ally behind the house"

"Fine" She groaned out. Mark jumped happily out of his seat and headed to the front door. He called for Faye to follow and she begrudgingly stood up and headed out behind him.


"Mark I'm so tired." Faye panted out. She slumped against the hoop in exhaustion while she watched Mark effortlessly dribble the ball.

Mark chuckled and ran his fingers through his hair. "Faye you took one shot-we have been out here barley two minutes"

The alley was small but gave Faye and Mark enough room to shot hoops behind the dorms. The setting sun painted a pallet of beautiful oranges and pinks in the sky. Different stores and houses flanked ether side of the secluded alley.

"Here I'll be on defence and you offence." Faye narrowed her eyes in confusion.

"Translation please" She huffed as Mark passed her the ball-which she dropped and had to chase before it went under a neighbours car.

After explaining three times that Mark was going to shoot on Faye they began playing. Faye looked like a dying duck-her arms flailed around as she attempted to block his shots.

The sun was setting quickly and Faye found her joints getting sorer and sorer from not touching Jungwoo for most of the day.

"Can we go in now-I'm don't feel good" Faye complained as Mark easily stole to ball from her.

"One more-try to make at least one basket." He edged her on. Faye frowned- took the ball from Mark and stood in front of the eager boy.

Inhaling a deep breath she focused on the hoop. Planting her foot on the ground she took off as Mark flung his arms towards her. The basket was so close she could easily make the shot.

But she didn't.

Instead her left foot hooked around the other cause her to fly head first towards to the ground. Closing her eyes she prepared for her body to come crashing down on the concrete.

Bracing herself for the impact that never came she squinted her eyes open. Arms embraced her torso and a breath fanned the back of Fayes neck. She spun her head around to see Mark breathing heavily-his brown orbs stared straight into hers.

"Faye?" A familiar voice called from beside them. Scaring Mark he completely let go of Faye-causing her to go smashing into the ground.

"Ow! The fuck Mark?" Faye groaned as she began rolling on the ground the pain. Her left shoulder had painfully smacked into the concrete. She heard the quick shuffles of people coming to her aid.

Marks head came into her field of vision when he squatted beside her and leaned over her head. "Faye I'm so sorry are you okay?" His voice was panicked and laced with guilt.

Loud footsteps resonated from the ground as a second head loomed over her. Jungwoo bent down beside her and brushed the hair out of her eyes. "Do you need help getting up?"

His tone was soothing and soft unlike Marks worried one. Faye shook her head as she folded forward in an attempt to get up. Pain coursed through her left side but she could still move.

Jungwoo cautiously hovered his hands around her torso as they began to walk inside.

I published a new book 'Pyrrhic' go check it out ;)


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