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The funeral went by in a teary blurb. Faye didn't catch what all the family members had said in their condolences-she was only aware of her heart strings being pulled when ever her dad was mentioned.

She lazily sunk into the sofa in her living room as the familiar faces of family members wandered her house during the wake. Various family members talked to her but it all faded due to her lack of attention.

"Faye?" Jungwoo spoke from beside her. He had remained by Fayes side all day. She pivoted her head to face his. "How are you feeling?"

"Numb and sad. I just want to cry but I have no tears left" Faye voice was brittle and her tear ducts felt like they had been overworked.

Jungwoo only nodded and stayed silent beside her. He observed her facial expression it looked gloomy and stiff. He found himself wanting to see her smile and hear her laugh-but Jungwoo knew that this pain would take time to heal.


Lying in bed Faye could hear Jungwoos even breaths beside her. It was probably two in the morning and she would have to be up and ready to fly back to Korea in less than three hours.

Faye clicked her tongue as she sat up and tiredly walked to the kitchen.

The hard wood felt cold under her bare feet as she fished through the fridge in hopes of find a snack. Faye snatched a cheese string but quickly dropped it when nasally voice startled her.

"Faye?" Quickly she retrieved her cheese string from the ground and closed the fridge door.

"Hey mum." Faye sat at the kitchen counter and began peeling her cheese to look like a mop.

Fayes mum leaned on the kitchen counter across from her daughter. "Shouldn't you be asleep?"

"Probably." Faye admitted stuffing the thin cheese strands in her mouth. "Jungwoo asleep which is good. He's probably tired from following me around all day."

"He's handsome isn't he?" Fayes mum waggled her greying eye brows.

Faye laughed. "Who are you and what have you done with my mother? The last time I brought a boy home you grounded me for two months and it was for a science project."

"I guess I've changed Faye. Although your dads death was sad it was a wake up call for me" Faye rose an eyebrow in confusion and waited for her mother to continue.

"I just don't worry as much any more. I found over the past days to just breath and let things go- the world won't crumble if stop worrying"


Her mother's word replayed in Fayes mind like a broken record. Fayes mum really had changed and Faye found it hard to say good bye to her this morning-she made a reminder on her wrist to call her when she landed.

The plane smelled like sterilized socks with a hint of car exhaust and it gave Faye a head ache. Jungwoo was dozing off beside her.

Because of the time zone change all Faye could see out of the window was darkness and a think layer of clouds blocking her view of the world below.

She was getting squeamish and wanted more than anything to be back at the dorms and in the comfort of her own bed. Jungwoo murmured something incoherent in his sleep as he rested his head against the window.

After what seemed like an eternity the plane hit the smooth runway. Faye let out a breath of relief when she saw the familiar sights of Seoul surrounding her.


As the entrance of the dorms came into view from the SUVs windows Faye and Jungwoo began to collect their belongings.

"Jungwoo! Faye!" Johnny greeted them as he opened the door. Jungwoo sluggishly smiled as they walked in.

Faye quickly said her hellos to the band and left Jungwoo up stairs as she strolled down stairs. With out changing she sinked onto the bed and fell asleep.

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