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It's been two and a half months.

School beginning six weeks ago brought constant headaches and an even busier schedule. Life had become a broken record for Faye. If she wasn't following Jungwoo around, she was sprawled across the living room couch or a band members bedroom floor studying.

The crisp smell of rotting leaves and pumpkin flavored things constantly lingered in the air. Autumn had begun-bringing a beautiful pallet of oranges and yellows to paint the busy street Faye could see from the recording studio window.

Faye sighed, watching Jungwoo record from behind a glass screen. Visible bags hung under his eyes from exhaustion and the strength in his voice slowly wavered the longer they recorded.

The clock that hung above the door read 12:47am in big green letters. Faye had been relentlessly studying in the studio since noon while Jungwoo recorded.

"One more time Jungwoo. Try to fix your pitch just a little bit." The producer told Jungwoo. Despite feeling extremely tired and drained, the producers constant nagging towards Jungwoo made Fayes lip curl in annoyance.

She scrunched her nose, trying to come up with an excuse to get her and Jungwoo out of the studio and back to the comfort of their home. The letters on her text book were beginning to blend into one solid blob. Just as she was about to create an elaborate period cramp excuse-the music stopped.

Muffled words tumbled from the producers lips while he mumbled into his cell phone. Jungwoo rose his eyebrow to Faye as if saying 'What is going on?' Faye only shrugged her shoulders in response.

Abruptly the producer leaped out of his chair and quickly muttered how he had to get home for the night. Faye took this as a blessing in disguise.

Instantly Jungwoo left the recording box and made a beeline towards Faye. Warmth enveloped Faye when he gripped her waist in a tight hug. The mellow,slow breaths that fled from his lips made Fayes skin crawl. His head was nestled in the crook of her neck.

"I'm so tired." Jungwoos voice was torn and raspy. Tiny drops of water trickled down Fayes neck. She didn't realized Jungwoo was crying until a small sob escaped his lips. "I feel like shit. Can we just go home?"

Nodding in response-Faye piled her books into her bag and slung it over her shoulder. She made sure to keep Jungwoos hand in hers the whole time.

A numbing wind whipped Fayes hair into her chapped lips. She brushed it out of her face as they trudged towards the familiar SUV.

Aside from a few small sniffles, Jungwoo was silent the whole way home. His warm fingers held onto Faye cold ones like they were desperate for touch. Faye rubbed small circles on his palm.

The dorm was quietest it's been in weeks. With all 23 members of NCT promoting together now, Faye presumed that the members were out doing various things together. 

"Woo are you okay?" Faye finally asked. Her fingers flicked on the lights to their shared bedroom. "What's wrong?"

Jungwoos upper lip quivered. His brown eyes-which Faye just recently released have black speaks in them-were looking everywhere but her eyes. He sat down on the bed with a sigh. "I don't know what to do Faye."

Looking down at the floor-Faye shuffled onto the bed beside him. "What do you mean Woo?"

"I never see you anymore. We are stuck in a rut." A half hearted chuckle flew from Jungwoos lips. "It's like we are an old married couple"

Although Faye could sense that both of them were working mechanically in their relationship and that things haven't been going the greatest-she couldn't help but laugh with Jungwoo.

"You right, Woo. I've been so busy with school. And you've been busy with your comeback." She paused and sucked in a deep breath. "We are so bad at relationships. I'm so sorry."

Now it was Jungwoos time to laugh. "No were not. We are both just inexperienced." He snickered. His cheeks had a red hue to them from crying. The tears that once stained his cheeks dissipated into nothingness.

"I love you, woo" She laughed out. Jungwoo met her eyes. The way he was looking at her made Faye feel like she was everything that mattered. With out hesitation she leaned forward and slowly pressed her lips to his.

"Promise me-" Jungwoo spoke between kisses "-that we will try to spend more time together."

A murmured 'mpft' came from Fayes lips in reply. She was preoccupied with keeping her lips in contact with Jungwoos.

An unfamiliar hungry desire swelled up in Fayes lower abdomen. The taste of Jungwoos honey lip chap was passed between their lips as they connected their lips again and again.

When the soulmates finally pulled apart, Faye eyed Jungwoo carefully. A mischievous fire she had never seen before was ignited in his eyes. She was unsure about the longing for Jungwoos touch she felt in that moment-all she wanted was to fall prey to the desire.

Their lips collided and molded together in perfect synchronization. Jungwoo swiftly grabbed Faye shoulders and pushed her down into the pillows. The bed creaked under their weight as Jungwoo laid on top of her and positioned his arm by her head to support him.

Jungwoos breath got heavier as he continued to place eager kisses down Faye jawline. He paused behind her ear and glanced into her eyes. Her hair was draped in dangly strands on the pillow making her look like a goddess. " Are you sure you want to do this?"

Fayes toes curled in anticipation-all she wanted to do was this. "Yes"

Feeling a sudden burst of confidence, Faye propped up on her elbows and clutched Jungwoos black sweatshirt. A smirk settled on Jungwoos rose bud lips.

Even though Faye had seen Jungwoo topless many times before-usually by accident-his chiseled chest still caused a swarm of butterflies to fly around in her stomach. Jungwoo tossed his sweater off the side of the bed and continued to kiss Faye.

Uncoordinated, wet kisses were being pressed onto Fayes skin. She felt euphoric and dizzy. She wanted this and she wanted it to be with Jungwoo.

"Faye! I brought you-" The door slammed open with alarming speed to reveal Johnny. His eyes bulged out of their sockets when he spotted Jungwoo lying topless on top of Faye.

Screeching-Faye accidentally swung her arm and smacked Jungwoo across the face. A pained 'umph' left his month as he tumbled off the bed onto the floor.

Johnny turned whiter than a ghost, all colour left his face. Word vomit flew from Fayes lips as she tried to explain what he had walk in on. Surprisingly enough Johnny only snorted.

"Don't worry about it. I'll just come back later." Johnny gripped the door knob and began to close it-not before whispering. "Don't forget to use  protection."

All Faye wanted was a sink hole to swallow her up. She felt a fiery red colour flush onto her cheeks. A tiny squeal came from her before she shoved her face into a pillow.

Jungwoo gripped his jaw in pain. He sat up on the floor and peered at Faye. In spite of the fact that someone just walked in on them about to have sex-Jungwoo only felt pure admiration for the girl on his bed that was drowning in embarrassment.

He smiled before climbing beside her.

I'm so bad at updating. I'm so sorry! Thank you guys so much voting and commenting! I love reading your comments!!! Also I can't write smut for two reasons
1.my sister reads this book and 2. Im a shameless virgin lmao

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