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It was getting late and Haechan could sense Faye growing drowsy ness. They had talked for what seemed like hours about everything under the sun.

"You should head to bed. We don't want you looking like a sleepy toad tomorrow."

Faye chuckled as his choice of words. "Oh-shut up. Could you help me wake him up?"

She pointed towards her unconscious soulmate.

"Hey he's your man" Haechan winked and walked off.

Faye exhaled as she began to nudge Jungwoos shoulder. "Jungwoo wake up"

A small grunt escaped his lips. His eyes shot open with the sudden realization that he had fallen asleep in the living room.

"Where is everyone?" He muttered- his voice laced with sleep.

Faye stretched her arms as she stood up. "They're all in bed."

Jungwoo began his descent down stairs, Faye following closely behind.

Arriving back in the bedroom- Faye silently collected her pyjamas and toiletries and headed to the bathroom.

She regretted her choice of pyjamas; in her hurry to get out of her old house she had hastily grabbed pink fuzzy pyjama pants with breakfast foods decorating the fluffy material.

She tugged on the embarrassing pants and a over sized hoodie that sagged on her figure. Faye brushed her teeth and exited the bathroom.

When she opened the door Jungwoo was seated on his bed playing on his phone. He had already changed into his night wear.

Faye anxiously glided into the room and closed the door behind her.  Jungwoo looked up at her- a smile threatening his lips as he looked at her pants.

She flopped on her bed in exhaustion. Faye wished she could blame her lack of energy on sleepiness but she new it was the soulmate bond and sleeping separately would not be an option.

"Faye." Jungwoo spoke up. She turned towards the distraught boy. "I have practice tomorrow so I won't be able to be with you much tomorrow."

Faye bit her lips worriedly- already knowing what he was going to say next.

"We should sleep together. Most soulmates do for the first little while."

She shifted her gaze to everywhere but his face. Although she had already slept with him before it felt more necessary at the hospital.

"The beds kinda small" She mumbled out. Jungwoo could sense her nervousness.

"Faye you don't need to be nervous." Jungwoo said-hoping his words could comfort her.

A light bulb went off in Fayes mind. She brushed of the her regular anxious thoughts of 'will he think it's a stupid idea' and she just spat it out.

"Why don't we push both the beds together?" She waited for Jungwoos reply.

"That's perfect!" He beamed.  "We will push both beds into the middle of the room."

Faye sighed in relief-she was so happy he liked the idea.

They shoved both nightstands to ether end of the room. Jungwoo swiftly moved his bed to the centre of the room. Faye struggled with her bed- not considering how heavy it would be.

A soft grunt escaped her as she shoved the bed harder.

A chuckle left Jungwoos smirking lips. "Do you need some help?"

Panting Faye looked up at him. "Please."

He walked over and with ease moved her bed next to his.

They had now created a queen sized bed out of two smaller beds.

Faye walked over to her side of the bed and crawled in- Jungwoo doing the same on his side. They shuffled closer to each other and feel asleep with their hands barley touching.

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