Chapter 3: A Welcoming of the Sort

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Sophie and Marella finally made it to Foxfire's grounds, huffing, and puffing. Foxfire was pretty big for a high school. It had glittering glass structures and a large, well-kept green yard and lawn. 

"Soooo," Marella dragged the word out as they walked up the path to the main office.

"What?" Sophie asked as she adjusted her backpack.

"How do you know Keefe?" Marella leaned in closer, waiting for the secret to spill.

Sophie sighed. She wasn't the type of girl who enjoyed dating and doubted she would ever be. 

"He's my annoying neighbour."

"Annoying? I need to know more!" Marella stopped walking and gave her a sly smile. 

"No! It's not like that!" Sophie protested and kept on walking.

"I'm like, the biggest gossip girl! I know everything that happens around here! So please, tell me. I don't exactly allow rumours to spread to others. Well, maybe sometimes. But I won't if you don't want me to."

She twirled one of the braids in her hair around her finger.

Sophie grudgingly gave Marella her number and promised to text her after school. They pushed open the fancy doors and strode in, Marella showing her to the office. 

It had creamy, white walls, with little greenery and flowers scattered everywhere, giving it a modern and soft feel. There was a plush bench and a few rooms. Also, there was a tan desk with plenty of work, a computer, and a phone. And the lady who worked there, of course.

"Hello!" A kind lady greeted them. "I'm Mrs. Belva, head of the office! What can I do for you ladies today?"

"Hi, Mrs. Belva!" Marella said in a cheery voice. "Sorry, we came in late today. . ." She dug through her pocket. "I have a late pass to get in." 

Mrs. Belva nodded. "You may head to class Miss Redek."

"See you, Sophie!" Marella waved with a sincere grin on her face.

"Bye, Marella!" Sophie nodded with a hint of a smile.

"And for you. . .?" 

It took her a moment to realize that Mrs. Belva didn't know her name.

"Oh! I'm Sophie Foster," Sophie held out her identical red pass. "I ran into some troubles this morning, so I ended up being late."

"Well, Sophie. It's no worries! We all have our days," She chuckled as she took it from her. Mrs. Belva adjusted her navy blue top and scribbled down a few notes.

"We do," Sophie grimaced at the thought of her morning.

"Did someone cause you trouble?" Mrs. Belva asked, looking at her. 

"Yeah, my neighbour, Keefe Sencen." Sophie wasn't very enthusiastic about speaking of Keefe.

"Oh, Keefe Sencen! Such a nice boy!"

 Mrs. Belva must have met his clone, thought Sophie as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Do I have a schedule?" She asked instead, ending the conversation short.

"Yes, deary, here's your schedule. It has your classes and locker number and code in the        tippy-top right corner."

"Right," Sophie noted. She had a photographic memory, so remembering things wasn't exactly hard for her.

"I've assigned you someone to give you a tour. . ." She furrowed her brow as she peered through a stack of paper. 

"Aha!" Mrs. Belva cheered quietly. "One moment, please." 

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