Chapter 15: Meant To Be

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Sophie shrugged on a simple but pretty red shirt, along with black leggings, as she brushed her hair. She was in kind of a rush. 

Sophie went to the stairs when her foot slipped, and all of a sudden she was sliding down, and knocking into Grady, who fell along with her. 

"Is everything okay?" Edaline called out from the kitchen. 

"Yep!" Sophie grunted. 

"What's with the snazzy outfit?" Grady asked, his eyebrows raised as he helped her up.

"Um, I'm just going out with Tam," Sophie shrugged calmly. 

"Oh." His eyes glazed over, and his expression softened. "Well, have a good time." 

Now that was odd...

Sophie hurried and slipped her boots on, and pulled her hat over her head. "I'm leaving!" 

"Have a good time, sweetie," Edaline exclaimed as she rushed over and hugged her. 

"Have a great time," Grady said as he squeezed her shoulder. 

Sophie smiled as she went out onto the porch and hurried down the sidewalk to go and meet Tam.

As she left, she caught Edaline saying: "They grow up much too fast, don't they?"

She hurried and made her way to the front of the park, where she was supposedly meeting him. 

Sophie wrapped her arms around herself as cars zoomed by and people with cold toes hurried along. Finally, Tam's car pulled up, and he rolled down his window smoothly. "Hop in."

Sophie obeyed and hopped in, glad to avoid the cold. "So, what's up?"

 "You'll see," He smiled as she clicked on her seat belt, and he drove off. 

They ended up parking at the front of the best cafe in town. Sophie loved their hot chocolate. She got out of the car and followed Tam inside. 

A kind girl took their order. She was about their age, and she kept giggling at Tam. 

He led her to a table, and they sat down, enjoying a view of the outside flurries. "I realized I've never been on an actual date with you . . ." He gave her a crooked smile. "So, here we are."

"Thanks, Tam," Sophie smiled as the waitress delivered their beverages and donuts. "I guess . . . I never really knew you before." She bit into her donut and sipped on her hot chocolate. "Some things just happen . . ."

He reached across the table and squeezed her hand, not caring about any onlookers. "Because some things are just meant to be."

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