Chapter 7: Rosy Cheeks

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Time and time had passed. Summer was coming up, and so were finals. Sophie sat at her desk, scribbling down notes. 

She then stared at the wrapped gift Fitz had tried to give her. Sophie still hadn't opened it after this long.

Sophie decided to take a little break and open it. She quietly tore the paper open, revealing a little box inside. She pursed her lips as she read the note: 

Hey Sophie, 

I wanted to thank you.

From, Fitz.

Sophie didn't know what he was thanking her for. He barely knew her. Yet her heart still warmed as she opened the box, only to find a pair of small earrings, in the shape of roses. 

Sophie placed the box down gently and quickly read through her texts. She hadn't spoken to anyone for what felt like forever. 

She rolled her eyes at a text Biana sent yesterday:

Did u open the gift yet?

Sophie quickly texted back: 


Immediately, her phone started ringing and she fumbled to answer as she struggled not to drop it. 

Biana's gushy face appeared on the screen. "Don't you love the roses?" 

"Yes," Sophie smiled. "They're really cute."

"You know what roses mean," Her friend wiggled her eyebrows at her. 


"Love and romance," She dreamily sighed. 

"You're a romantic at heart, that's for sure," Sophie smiled.

"Very true, very true."

The next day she had finals, and then it'd finally be summer break. She threw on her new earrings, jean shorts, and finally a red t-shirt with rose embroidery. 

She hurried downstairs and grabbed her bag, then whipped up a bowl of cereal. 

"New shirt and earrings?" Edaline asked as she made herself a steaming mug of coffee. 

"It's actually an old shirt. The earrings are from Fitz."

"What is the meaning of that outfit?" Grady demanded harshly. "You know what roses mean, don't you?"

"Dad!" Sophie moaned and turned about as red as her outfit.

"It's almost summer. Grady, give her a break," Edaline gave her a warm, mushy smile. 

"Well," Sophie quickly ate her cereal. "I don't want to be late. Bye!" 

She rushed out the door after hugging her parents and started walked to school as usual.

Sophie felt the humidity on her skin as she trudged to school in the searing heat. She was barely halfway there until she was panting and slightly sweaty. Correction, she was barely five minutes in. 

"Hey, Sophie, need a ride?" 

She turned and saw Fitz in his fancy car along with Biana. 

"I'm . . . doing just fine!" Sophie panted. 

Biana rolled down her window. "Get in here before you wither up and get all crusty out there!"

She reluctantly hopped in, soaking up the air condition as she buckled in. "You guys are lifesavers."

Sophie hoped Fitz noticed she was wearing his earrings, but he barely glanced at her the entire day. 

So when she finished her work and passed, she decided to head home.

She didn't accept any rides home. Sophie wanted to get in her room and—

"Sophie! Wait up!" 

Sophie turned bluntly and saw Fitz running over to her, his hair frazzled and his teal eyes glinting in the sunlight. It made him look cute.

"What's up?" She asked calmly as if she wasn't lonely as she walked home. 

"I . . ." He tore a hand through his hair, "Wanted to thank you for wearing my earrings." Both of them blushed and looked away. "But, would you like to go out for ice cream with me tomorrow? Well, me and two others. A double date?"

"Sure," Sophie smiled. "I'm not busy. Who are the two others?"

"Now, that is a surprise," He grinned at her. "I've gotta run. See you then!" 

And as Sophie walked home, her legs felt like jello, her head all mushy, her heart pounding, but happy. 

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