Chapter 15: I Love You Too

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About two months had passed since Christmas, and it was February. The month of love and the month of the trip to Hawaii. 

Sophie, Dex, Biana, Fitz, Tam, Linh, Marella, Keefe, and each of their families were going. Alvar couldn't come because he had other duties to attend to. It was a lot of money, but Keefe said his parents weren't coming, so he was bunking with Sophie, Grady, and Edaline. And Marella said her parents were busy and would let her go with the Songs. Since Keefe's big prank, Grady had been more sympathetic and somewhat kinder to Keefe. 

Sophie sat on a chair at the airport with her blue suitcase by her side. Grady and Edaline had gone in search of the others, but Keefe had driven with the Vackers, leaving her alone. No one of her friends caught her eye yet. 

She closed her eyes for what felt like a few seconds.


Sophie jolted awake as more flights were called. Hers was coming soon. How long had she slept for? No one she knew was around her except for a few other families and Mr. Forkle.


"You kids shouldn't sleep all day!" He huffed as he fiddled around with his newspaper. 

"Have you seen any of my friends or family?" She asked as she jumped up from her seat and scoured around.

"Passed by a million times," Mr. Forkle whistled. "You were in a deep sleep. That's for sure." 

Sophie ignored him as she sighed.

"They're over there," He pointed to a cafe filled with people, his eyes not moving from his newspaper. 

She dragged her suitcase with her as she walked over and saw Edaline, Mai, Biana, Linh, Marella, Juline, The Triplets, and Della smiling and laughing as they sipped on juice together. She turned and saw Grady, Alden, Fitz, Keefe, Tam, Quan, and Dex sitting together, deep in conversation. 

Sophie didn't want to interrupt any of them. They looked like they were having so much fun. She turned back and strode back to her seat, plopped down, and stared at the lights and silly things. She fiddled around with her phone and tugged on itchy eyelashes. 

"Sophie! You're awake!" Grady found her and clapped her on the back. 

Everyone headed out onto their flight and flew off, away to Hawaii. A vacation she knew she'd remember.

Sophie begrudgingly stood, waiting for their bus to arrive. It had been a long flight. Sitting next to Keefe, that was. He talked the entire time, and when she thought he'd fallen asleep, he chattered on. 

It wasn't too hot in Hawaii, but the heat still bothered her. Tam had worn all black, so he was sweating quite hard. His and Keefe's bangs were stuck to their foreheads like glue. They had gone through the airport and were now waiting for their bus to drive them to their resort.  

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