Chapter 12: Mistletoe

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Once Sophie had gotten home, she smiled as she changed into something a bit simple and comfy. 

"Did you hang out with any boys? Hold their hand?" Grady demanded as he plopped down beside her on her bed, and she rubbed her wrists. 

"Yes," Sophie said, not thinking. "Wait—No!" 

Grady tensed and tore a hand through his hair. "Phew. Okay. Good job."

The next day was Christmas day, and Sophie got some money, chocolates, and small things she'd asked her parents for. She ended up getting Edaline a candle, blanket, and other things she liked. Sophie bought Grady a new mug and phone case as well.

Sophie bit her lip and tugged on an eyelash. She was unsure about Vacker's party, but she reluctantly and grumpily put on her white dress. Wearing dresses was getting old pretty quickly.  She left her golden blonde hair down but paired it with some cute snowman earrings. 

Grady wore the usual suit along with a tie that had snowmen on it, and Edaline wore a similar dress to Sophie, but hers had hints of green in it, bringing in some Christmas spirit. 

"Are we all set?" Grady checked as he held a platter of cookies in his hands. 

"Looks like it," Edaline smiled.

Sophie nodded as she adjusted her bag of gifts in her arms, and they headed out and drove to the Vackers.

Once they got inside and placed the tray of cookies on a dessert table, Edaline and Grady decided to greet some of the other guests. Sophie was left to hang out with her friends and explore a little.

 She sucked in a sharp breath as she stared at the massive tree, which was probably the largest one she had ever seen. Sophie stared at the fancy way the lights were hung, creating illusions and pictures. She stared at all the gifts under the tree, and she placed the ones for her friends beneath it, along with the rest. 

Sophie ended up wandering around, not glimpsing any of her friends. She ended up sitting alone by the warm fireplace as she nibbled on a cookie and stared at the empty seat across from her.

Suddenly, someone plopped down on the chair. 

Her eyes looked up, only to see Tam Song, smiling crookedly at her. 

"Hey," Sophie shrugged. "Where's everyone?"

"I have no clue. Linh ran away from me once we got in." 

"Don't you have some sort of twin telepathy? You know, that stuff?" Sophie teased.

"We've never tried any of those shenanigans," He shrugged, his eyes glued to the fireplace. 

"Well, it'd be pretty cool," Sophie had to admit. 

"Maybe. By the way, you look really pretty today," Tam noticed, making her flush. 

"Dresses are just uncomfortable. I don't really mind though."

He nodded and leaned forward in his seat, about to say something when—

"Mistletoe!" Biana yelled and pumped her fist as she raised her mistletoe above both of their heads. She had the mistletoe attached to some sort of plastic stick, which had Christmas print wrapped around it. Biana had a green dress with a white sash and a large bow.

Tam narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms, but even his cheeks were red. Not as red as hers, though. She felt as if her face was on fire. Literally. 

"Kiss, kiss, kiss," Biana chanted. "Fitz! Linh! Guys! Get your butts over here!"

Slowly, their other friends came with raised eyebrows as Biana exclaimed her little 'setup'. "Now, they have to kiss."

"Romantic!" Marella squealed. 

"Do it, do it, do it," Linh chanted along. 

Sophie tensed up, not having an excuse on hand as Keefe and Fitz eyed them wearily. Before she knew it, Tam had leaned in, closing up the space between them. 

The world spun, and she couldn't hear or see anything but Tam as she kissed him back. His lips, soft, and tender. Kind and forgiving. 

It didn't last long, but they pulled away, faces redder than before.

No one acknowledged the kiss for the rest of the day. 

And finally, it was time to open their gifts. 

Everyone sat around the tree as they grabbed their gifts. 

Sophie tore hers open, excited. Opening gifts would never, ever get old. She'd gotten perfume, and a skirt from Biana, an art notebook with candy for Linh, a cupcake from Keefe, a bracelet from Fitz, earrings from Marella, fuzzy socks from Dex, and Tam got her a necklace, specially made with her name on it.

Maybe she was just happy. 

Or maybe, she was just madly in love.

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