Chapter 2: Right There

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The next few days whizzed by until it came to a Friday afternoon. Friday afternoons were not her favourite. For one thing, Biana would always try to drag Sophie into shopping at the mall with Marella Redek or visiting zoos with Linh Song. Sophie wasn't very close with any of the two girls, and she didn't have the guts to want to be a third wheel. 

That's why she was tugging on an itchy eyelash as she stood before the door. The door that had its bell ringing constantly. Which meant Biana was there, which wasn't a very good thing. In her case, anyway. 

Sophie opened the door to see Biana wearing leggings paired with a pastel-toned top and a matching white jean jacket. Her hair was pulled back into a loose bun with flowers intricately tucked into her long, brown locks. "Sophie! So good to see you!"

"We actually saw each other not too long ago," Sophie pointed out hastily. 

"Well, Miss Grumpy, I wanted to ask you if you wanted to come with me, Keefe, and Fitz to the park. We were thinking of renting double bikes. I didn't want to be the only girl." She shuddered as if being the only girl was a crime itself. 

"I guess," Sophie shrugged. "There's nothing planned in my schedule, and my parents went out shopping." She sent them a quick text, and they said that she could go to the park. "Okay, we're good." 

"By the way, cute outfit!" 

She rolled her eyes as she grabbed the keys and locked the door behind her. Sophie wore black girls' jogger pants and a red half-sleeved shirt. She was too lazy to change and had her shoulders slumped as she walked alongside Biana to the park. Fitz and Keefe were already there.

The two friends walked for not too long until they made it to the park where the two boys stood, next to two double bikes leaned up against a bench.

Before Biana and Sophie could walk up to them, Biana grabbed Sophie's hand and swiveled around, ducking behind a green shrub. "So, you're going to go with Fitz, okay?"

"No way!" Sophie whisper-hissed, her face heating up. "Biana, I know you're trying to help me, but—"

"Yes, way, girl!" Biana shoved her out from behind, sending her stumbling in front of the boys.

"Hey, Sophie," Fitz waved. 

"Hey, Sophie," Keefe mimicked, blowing a raspberry. 

Fitz shoved him with his shoulder. "So, are you Biana's friend?" 

"Um, yes, but no. I was just passing by," " Sophie bit her lip. "Well, I'd better be going." She started to run but was jerked back by Biana. 

"Sophie! C'mon!" Biana started tugging on her sleeve and Sophie tugged back, trying to scramble away.

"Biana!" Her pulse raced, and she had tunnel vision. There were a few onlookers who wore concerned and confused expressions. The birds chirped louder, and the trees bustled harder, as if in an attempt to quiet the two girls down.

Suddenly, Biana's mouth was agape as she let go, sending Sophie stumbling into a bush. "BIANA YOU—"

Biana put a hand over her mouth with wide eyes. "I was only trying to help—"

Sticks stung Sophie's arms and legs as she carefully crawled out and glared at Biana. "Maybe I don't want your help!"

Sophie stormed down the path, away from the onlookers. She didn't steal a glance behind or figure out directions for where she was going. Her clothes were streaked with dirt and mud, and she felt awful. She ended up by a pond where she stood and stared down at her reflection. 

Pure, yet so feisty. 

Kind, yet so heartbroken. 

Loved, yet so lonely. 

She wiped her eyes and stared up at the sun. The sun would lower but rise again. Is that how things went? Things would come and go? What did anything mean? 

Sophie picked the things off of her clothing and out of her hair as she sat down on the soft grass, cross-legged. 

She stared out into the distance for a bit, picking at the debris on her clothing. A squirrel ran past her with an acorn in hand and raced up a large tree, its bushy tail swinging.

Sophie didn't want Biana's advice.

She missed her friend.

The friend that played with her at the park when they were younger.

The friend that shared her cookie with Sophie.

Crushes and school and growing up made everything so much harder. But she never had the guts to move on from the life she called normal.

She combed a hand through her hair, slowly untangling it.

There was a creaking noise behind her, and she saw Fitz standing there with the double bike. "Would you like to ride with me?" He asked hesitantly. 

She simply nodded and walked over.

 She got onto the back seat, and he hopped onto the front, and they started moving. Sophie stared down at the grip, where an array of golden words sat. She gripped it tighter and pedaled.

Walk nobly, beloved. It's a happy way to live. 

The two rode for hours, chattering and laughing the entire time. The silence was endearing and welcoming instead of daunting and uncomfortable. It was a while before they returned their bike. 

There was no sight of Keefe or Biana the entire time. 

"Thanks, Fitz," Sophie mumbled as they sat on a bench, staring towards the sunset. She'd said thank you so many times to him.


She looked at him, gazing deeply into his teal eyes.

"I'll always be there for you, okay?" 

Sophie nodded with a smile and stared back at the sun, willing that the words he had spoken were the truth. 

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