Chapter 10: Surprise, Surprise

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Halloween and Thanksgiving had gone well as Sophie enjoyed both holidays with her friends.

But, there were two things that she was dreading coming up. The Christmas Dance and Christmas at the Vackers. They didn't seem too bad when you thought about it, but she knew it'd be . . . different. 

She usually skipped the dance by pretending to be sick or having a movie night alone at home. This year, she was dragged into it. 

And for the Vackers? Biana tended to use a little plant she admired to trick people with. Also known as mistletoe. 

Sophie moaned and stuffed her face in her pillow as Edaline came into her room. "Hey, sweet pea," Edaline said, shifting the mattress on her bed as she sat down. "I'm going out. Do you want to come?" 

"I guess," Sophie grumbled and got up, having nothing better to do.

Sophie pulled her fuzzy earmuffs onto her ears as she and Edaline drove in the car. "Where are we going anyways? And why isn't Grady with us?" Her teeth chattered, even though the car heater was already on and running. 

"It's going to be a surprise," Edaline smiled. "And, Grady is . . . Actually, I don't know where he is. We'll call him in a bit."

She nodded as they stopped in a parking lot and snow flurries rained down everywhere. "I haven't been in this area before," Sophie mumbled as she peered around. 

"You'll see soon enough," Edaline teased as she took her gloved hand and led her inside one of the stores. 

Sophie trudged inside, shaking her boots out on the mat as a bell rang, signaling that they were inside. She peered around, frozen. Dresses. Mannequins. Hair clips. Earrings. 

"Finally!" A familiar voice squealed. "You made it to the boutique!"

"Boutique?" She swiveled around, only to face Della and Biana, Caprise and Marella, Juline, Mai, and Linh. "Wait . . ." 

"We're here to shop for Christmas dresses!" Biana exclaimed happily. 

Sophie would have rather gone with Grady, wherever he was. "Um, right." She'd do this for them. 

Sophie walked out of the boutique exhausted with dresses in hand. Who knew how tiring shopping could be? Each of the girls had gotten two dresses with their mom's assistance. They were a decent price. 

As they walked outside, Sophie snuck a look at Marella's mother. She was in a wheelchair and had the same blonde hair as her daughter. 

"Well, would you all like to come to our house for some hot chocolate?" Della offered kindly. 

Everyone agreed, deciding to drive there. 

Once they all made it to the Vacker's mansion, they got out of the car and headed inside, the heater sending warmth to everyone.

Della unlocked the door and helped everyone get their clumpy boots and thick coats off. 

A clang rang through the air as they headed into the kitchen.

Della frowned. "I wonder what's going on . . ." She peeked around, not finding anything. "Anyways, let's just go have some hot chocolate, ladies!" 

They all hurried into the kitchen, excited for their warm beverages. 

Della rummaged through the cupboards and put out some mugs and some marshmallows, along with the hot chocolate powder. 

They all chatted and mixed their drinks until finally, they were made. Edaline put on the whipped cream, candy canes, 

They all settled in the large, expansive living room as they sipped on their hot chocolate, the marshmallows bobbing up and down in the sweet mixture. 

"Where's Grady anyway?" Sophie asked Edaline.

Edaline shrugged. "I have no clue. He won't answer my calls."

Mai bit her lip and shared a look with Linh. "We can't get into contact with Tam and Quan either." 

"I hailed Fitz and Keefe, but they wouldn't answer either, so they're probably making mischief," Biana said as she helped put the mugs in the sink.

"Well, how about you girls go try on your dresses?" Della offered and Sophie reluctantly nodded.

"The other moms and I can finish cleaning up," Edaline said. Caprise and Mai agreed.

Biana squealed. "Let's go, girls!" She grabbed all of the dresses, her arms stuffed as she led the way upstairs. 

"All of the dresses are so cute!" Marella gushed. 

"I know, right, Sophie?" Linh smiled happily.

"Um, sure," Sophie nodded as Biana handed everyone their dresses and pointed them to each bathroom to change in. 

Sophie walked inside one of the washrooms, peering at the dresses she had bought. One was red, with plenty of trim lace, the other a creamy white, with more intricate details. 

Sophie decided to just throw on the red dress. It was tighter around her waist, flowy on the skirt. 

She bit her lip as she peered at herself in the mirror. Sophie hurried out and set her clothing onto a chair. 

"Oh, Sophie! You look so pretty!" Biana squealed as she twirled in her soft, blue dress.

Marella came out grinning in a striking green dress, Linh in a white dress. "Let's make our hair match!"

Biana hurriedly did some quick braided updos in each of their hair.

They stumbled down the stairs and showed their moms the dresses. 

"You all look so grown up!" Mai wiped her eyes.

"And beautiful!" Della exclaimed. 

Some more clinks sounded, and Juline furrowed her brow. "What's going on?" 

"No clue . . . I should go and check," Della said, getting up. 

"We're coming too," Linh said, following. 

"Right," Caprise nodded as Marella hurried over and pushed her mom's wheelchair.  

"Shh," Della whispered, smiling as she peeked into one of the rooms. "On one, we barge in," She said extra softly. "Three . . . Two . . . One!" 

Della shoved the door open, Sophie and Biana ran in screaming, Linh hopped up and down as Edaline, Caprise, and Mai wiped their eyes as they laughed. 

In the room, all of the boys and men sat, watching TV with snacks. All of them started screaming frantically as the girls laughed, watching with amused expressions. 

"Not . . . funny," Tam sputtered as Keefe clutched his chest. 

"No one told us there was a big game happening!" Biana exclaimed. 

"No one told us we were playing dress-up either," Fitz muttered. 

"Grady!" Edaline scolded. Grady looked away shamefully. "You should've answered my calls!" 

"Well, you guys were busy shopping," Alvar shrugged, tossing a chip in his mouth. 

"How about we watch it together?" Sophie suggested. 

"Good idea," Linh smiled as they piled into the couches, filling every seat available.

Sophie, meanwhile, was munching on the treats when she realized she didn't have a seat. 

She got up and blushed, realizing the only seat was by Tam. Sophie slowly made her way over and sat down. 

Their knees touched, and sparks flew, but Tam and Sophie only shared a small smile.

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