Chapter 6: Long Drive

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Sophie had spent the rest of her week focusing on her work and hanging out with her friends.

She quickly finished another paper of work at her desk, and she tucked it into her schoolbag, ready for tomorrow. 

Sophie plopped down on her bed and stared out the window, just thinking. It was nice to have spent some time with Tam and Linh because she didn't interact with them as much as she did with some of the others.

She was going to go downstairs for a cup of milk when her phone rang. Sophie reluctantly turned it over, sighing as she answered Biana's call.

"Sophie!" Biana yelled into the phone, making her yelp. "Come over ASAP! Me, you, Linh, and Marella are having a girls' night!"

"Um," Sophie stuttered over her words as Edaline stood, leaning on the door frame with raised eyebrows.

"We can tell secrets, and you can spill about your crush! We'll gush over cute boys, and pull an all-nighter!"

Sophie's face heated up immediately. "I-I'll call you back."

"Okay! Make sure to come!" 

Sophie hung up on her before she'd ramble on more. She tentatively looked up at Edaline, who gave her a sly smile and sat down beside her on her bed. "So, do you want to go?"

She shrugged. "I don't know. I mean, kind of? Not really? I mean, it's Biana."

"Don't worry, Sophie. I get how uncomfortable some of these things can be. I'm sure we can plan a little activity." Edaline squeezed her shoulder lightly. 

Sophie smiled gratefully. 

"I can go call Biana back," She offered. 

"No, I can." Sophie picked up her phone and redialed Biana's number.

The next day, Sophie woke up, the sun streaming in through her curtains.

The call with Biana went pretty well. She easily agreed that they could all do something else together, and it was pleasing for all. 

She quickly got showered, dressed, and pulled her shoes on nice and snugly.

They were just spending a day around a garden, and it even had a fire pit, where they could roast marshmallows later in the evening. It had a lake where the boys were going fishing, and the girls were going to help plant other trees and flowers. It sounded nice. 

It would be a long drive, but it sounded worth it. 

She quickly threw together a small bag of snacks and water, along with her phone and stuff. 

Sophie scurried downstairs, panting as she made her way out the front door where all her friends and their families stood. "Don't worry," Sophie panted. "I made it."

Biana rolled her eyes as she adjusted her fancy sunglasses. "Of course you did."

"Let's get going then," Grady nodded. "Who's riding with who?"

"Okay, I was thinking me, Fitz, Sophie, Tam, Linh, Dex, Marella, Keefe, and Alvar could ride together. Y'know, Alvar could drive," Biana offered. 

"Okay, that'll be the big van," Della smiled.

"What about the triplets?" Dex asked, eyeing his siblings.

"Edaline and I can ride with them. We can take care of them," Grady decided. 

"Easier said than done," Juline wiped her forehead as Kesler nodded. 

"And then the adults can ride together like good pals," Keefe smirked. 

"That it is then," Alden smiled.

They all got in the vehicles, and Sophie sat down, thinking about Grady and Edaline's sanity while they'd be with the triplets for the long drive. 

Sophie sat down beside Biana and Linh, who was ecstatic about the beauty of the garden. 

"It's going to be so fun!" Linh smiled. 

"Totally," Biana cheered, then lowered her voice. "I'm thinking about asking out someone at the garden." She said it so only Sophie and Linh could understand her.

"Really?" Linh gasped. "Who?"

"I can't tell you guys yet, silly!" Biana squealed. 

"Okay," Sophie nodded. She wasn't that interested in love. Or surprises. "This is going to be a long ride," She felt the need to be the person to say it as the van started moving.

"That's why I've planned something for all of us," Keefe said after clearing his throat. "ninety-nine bottles of milk on the wall, ninety-nine bottles of milk! Take one down, pass it around ninety-eight bottles of milk on the wa-"

"Uh, well . . ." Alvar said. "I'm driving and need peace, Keefester."

"That means: We don't want your singing. Sorry to burst your bubble Keefe," Tam whistled, not sorry. "Sorry, not sorry?"

"Oh, stop it, Bangs Boy." Keefe rolled his eyes. 

"It's just going to be a long drive, and some of us want to relax," Biana said as she leaned back in her seat and closed her eyes happily. 

"Fine," Keefe grumbled and crossed his arms.

"It's just for now," Fitz shrugged.

"It'll feel like forever."

Sophie ended up napping for some time until she woke up from the touch of freezing water. She let out a small scream as she opened her blurry eyes.

Linh, Marella, and Biana were asleep, leaving only the boys as suspects. 

"I have no clue, and I'm serious. Ask Tam and Keefe," Dex said as he stared out the window. 

Sophie glared at the two boys. "What did you guys do?"

Tam smirked, and Keefe snickered. "We just dumped some cold water on your head from a water bottle. No big deal."

"Only that we drank from them and then poured it on your head," Keefe shrugged.

"Why me?" She moaned. "I don't want your saliva in my hair!" Sophie shrieked. 

Fitz raised his eyebrows in questioning from his seat in shotgun as the others woke up.

"Fitz, don't even with me. Alvar, please help me!" Sophie groaned. "Do I get the pranks because I took an extra-long nap?" She grumbled. 

Who knew Tam and Keefe could work with each other? Well, it wasn't time to celebrate now.

"I don't know what to do," Alvar whistled. 

Sophie let out another long groan and closed her eyes as she leaned back onto the seat. 

This was a horrible drive so far.

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