Chapter 11: It's Okay

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Laughing rang from the living room, and she bit her lip as she barged in, only to see Fitz and Biana watching a silly show. 

"I'm going to be the model, and you can be the garbage picker-upper!" Biana argued. 

"No way!" Fitz shot back. 

Sophie frowned and turned around, clutching her stomach. She placed a hand on the counter to steady herself before grabbing some medicine.

She managed to get back upstairs with a few wobbled and bumps. Sophie made her bed and brushed her teeth to the best of her ability.

She heard clatters and bangs, along with splats coming from downstairs.

Sophie winced at every sound. She quietly peeked downstairs and saw Biana giggling and Fitz's red cheeks as they cleaned up their mess.

Biana smiled when she found Sophie watching from afar. 

"Sophie, how are you?" Biana whispered after she headed over.

"I'm fine."

"Want to go on a walk?"

"Do you need help with anything?"

"Want some waffles?"

"Perhaps some water?"

Biana asked and asked. Too many questions, too much.

"Biana, I'm fine!" Sophie shouted, clutching her head. She took a deep breath. "I'm fine. Sorry. I'm just going to go."

Sophie hurried upstairs and let herself cry. Maybe it was because of her head injury or she needed to let it out. She hated how weak she felt, how dramatic, how selfish, how childish, how much it hurt.

"Biana told me to talk to you," Fitz said quietly as she wiped her eyes.

"Yeah. I'm sorry. I haven't been feeling amazing lately," Sophie replied sourly.

He tore a hand through his hair. "I suppose being taken down by an animal doesn't make you feel amazing."

"It doesn't," Sophie agreed with a small smile.

"And I know this isn't the best time, and I haven't been a very good friend." Fitz tore a hand through his hair. "You don't have to say anything now."

He stopped talking, and his soft, teal eyes met with her brown ones. 

She wasn't crying, but she was . . . surprised.

"Sophie, you're an amazing girl. And I . . . I really like you, Sophie Foster."

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