Chapter 5: Fortunes Destined To Be Told

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Sophie groaned the next day, not wanting to go to school. Her mood was damp. It was bad enough that she'd been caught right in the middle of it all, but she was embarrassed. Stina had known she'd liked him. Everyone must've.

And she felt stupid for believing something was happening between the two of them. 

She had finished her work last night as a distraction to get her mind off of things. It was like sucking a lemon. It would taste sour and make your face scrunch up, but the taste would linger in your mouth, a bad memory that you couldn't erase. 

Sophie threw on a dark, big-sleeved shirt paired with some white shorts. It was time to get to school and hurry right back out. 

The day went swiftly. Sophie kept her head ducked down low, and she spoke in a whisper to Biana and mumbled excuses to teachers when they called on her to answer. Every time she saw Fitz, or he saw her, and she noticed, Sophie would duck her head and spin on her heel. It was a nightmare. 

By the end of the day, she ran out, huffing and puffing, hoping to get a head-start out. Sophie ended up jogging to a little blue tent that had caught her eye just outside the park. She peered inside to see a man. 

"You kids can come in, you know," The man grumbled. He was bloated and wrinkled, with blue eyes. 

Sophie stepped in and took it all in. Two seats faced each other along with a small table, a crystal ball, and a bunch of telescopes, knick-knacks, and poorly glued on stars. "Um, It's me. Y'know, you kid. Not kids." 

"Yeah, yeah," The man crossed his arms as he wore a loose robe with stars along with a pointy matching hat. "I am Mr. Forkle. Sit, kid." 

She obediently sat down. "Um, so Mr. Forkle—"

"Go on. Ask me the usual questions." 

"Well, what do you do for a living? And do you live around here?" She asked. 

"Mm, I do live around here." He ignored her surprised expression and waved it off. "An old man like me can't get much. I move around here and there, telling fortunes for a living," Mr. Forkle placed his hands around his orb. "Let's do this thing."

Sophie bit her lip. He seemed like a crazy man. "Okay. Wait! Do I have to pay you?"

"No, no." 

"Then how do you make money?" 

"I don't." Mr. Forkle laughed to himself. "You can have it free. Then, I'll start charging." 

He whispered some words and closed his eyes eerily. "You're fortune is. . ." He furrowed his brow. "You are homesick for a place that may not exist. One where your heart is full. And a place where your soul can be understood." 

Sophie's voice caught in her throat as she blinked. She couldn't tell if he was being honest or if everything was a joke, though she did know she felt that way now. "Um. . ."

Mr. Forkle hacked and coughed before he spoke. "Ah, Bertha's a little rusty. Have a good day!" 

Before she knew it, her legs were moving, and she was out of there. 

"So, today we're doing a Community Project," Mr. Tiergan said the next day.  

Hushed whispers rang out, each student wondering what to do. 

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