Chapter 7: Not So Nice?

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Sophie managed to survive until her hair was somewhat dry. Then, she tied her hair into a low bun and pulled a beanie over her head. She even warned no one to touch her head, and she stayed awake for the rest of the ride. She wasn't risking anything else. 

"Okay, we're here," Alvar said in relief. They had stopped at gas stations and got snacks, but that was pretty much the only time they got out and stretched their legs. 

Sophie sighed as they all hopped out of the car.

"Hey, Sophie!" Grady and Edalin waved as they dealt with the triplets. "New look?"

"You could say," Sophie sighed. 

She didn't bother explaining anything. And, she managed to avoid everyone as they started walking in. She hung far back, feeling embarrassed. Sophie didn't know why she cared so much. It probably wouldn't be long before Keefe or Tam slipped and let it spill.

They spoke with the cheery people who ran the place. There was a large piece of land with flourishing gardens, clear skies, and a sparkling lake. Closeby sat a large greenhouse with growing plants making it extra magical.

They smiled and let them in, Sophie's cheeks reddening as they eyed her beanie since it was a beautiful day. She ducked her head and hurried along, trying to catch up when a voice called her. 

"Hey, Beanie Girl," One of the workers said. She bit her lip as she stopped walking, letting the rest of the group move along. 

Sophie swiftly turned around to see a man talking to her. He was on the younger side- Older, but kind. "Um, yes?" 

"What's with the beanie?" 

"Stop freaking her out," A woman rolled her eyes as she wiped up the front desk. "Don't mind him. He's quite nosy. I'm Sarah, that's Jason." 

 Sarah had bright, auburn hair with dazzling green eyes and dotted freckles. Jason had brown hair with gleaming brown eyes. 

"Then, two mischievous boys decided to pour water on my head. But, it was the water they drank from! So my hair is contaminated with boy saliva, mixed with their breath, other nasty things, and water. And that's a nice thing, isn't it?" She sighed. 

Jason smiled. "So."

"Not so nice. Are you in . . . any kind of relationship?" Sarah asked as she flipped through a large binder and marker things down with a fancy pen. 

"Are you writing this down?" Sophie's voice stopped working for a minute.

"No, no. Gotta work on the job," Sarah said, tapping her wrist. 

"I'm not in any sort of relationship," She shrugged. 

"What's the scoop then? A love triangle?" 

"No!" Sophie exclaimed a little too fast. It wasn't anything like that!

"Well, You can wash your hair here," Sarah jumped in, saving her from anything embarrassing. 

Sophie snorted. "I'll just leave my hair how it is, thank you very much. And why would you have a shower out here?"

"I know this isn't a clothing store or a washroom, but I can fix you up if you'd like," Sarah replied hastily. 

Sophie followed Sarah as she led her through the gardens, opposite to where her family and friends were going.

"Finally, we got rid of Jason," Sarah sighed in relief. "He can be . . . not so nice."

"You say 'not so nice' a lot," Sophie pointed out.  

"It's just a nicer way of saying things."

"I suppose so."

Sarah led her over to one of the staff washrooms and pulled out a few hair tools.

"I'll just help you wash it and maybe fix it up a bit," Sarah winked. "I always have the necessities."

"Okay," Sophie reluctantly agreed.

After twenty minutes or so, her hair had soft beach waves.

"Wow . . . Thank you."

"Of course! The world needs more do-gooders."

Sophie began to leave and head back the way she came.

"Watch out for the thornbushes, though!" Sarah called out. "Nasty things." 

She tugged on an itchy eyelash and bit her lip as Sarah jogged off.

Sophie wandered the winding paths. 

The garden was really a beautiful place. Her hair was beautiful, which was better, but Sophie still kept her beanie in the clutch. 

She frowned when she didn't see any of her friends or anyone she knew. 

But, a sobbing sound rang in her ears. She followed the direction it was coming from, and she peered over hedges and under benches. 

Finally, she found the person. 

Sophie turned and found her crying in a corner. Biana. "Biana, what's wrong?" She rushed over closer as Biana wiped her eyes. 

"I asked him out, and he rejected me . . ." She sobbed into her hands, looking like a mess.

"Um, it'll be okay? Who was it anyway? Who rejected you?" Sophie asked softly, cringing at how she sounded. 


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