Chapter 1: Project

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Sophie had been friends with Fitz, Marella, Biana, Tam, Linh, Dex, and Keefe for quite some time now. Each day was fun in general. Their goofy jokes and their smiles . . . Fun Central! 

Her real family had died about a year ago, so now she lived with Grady and Edaline, her adoptive parents. They were thoughtful and owned a nearby pet shop a few turns down the street.

"What are you guys doing tomorrow?" Biana asked during lunch as she picked at her salad.

"I'm going fishing with Fitz," Keefe whistled, crossing his arms with a smirk.

"I said maybe," Fitz repeated to Keefe for what had to be the millionth time. He rolled his eyes and shared a look with Sophie.

"I said I'm going fishing with Fitz!" Keefe exclaimed more loudly, making the group groan. 

"I don't know what I'm doing yet," Sophie cut in.

"I'm going shopping with my mom and Edaline," Biana smiled happily. Shopping was her safe haven. Anyone could tell by the amount of jewelry and clothing she wore every day.

"I want to go help out at the animal center," Linh explained. Tam just sat quietly beside her and ate.

As much as Sophie was friends with him, she never really understood him. Although she could be closed off sometimes, she was never that quiet or shady.

"Why do they make green jellybeans?" Keefe asked, picking up something roundish and green from the floor.

"Ew, Keefe." Biana crinkled her nose and scooted farther away from him. "It's a booger, Brainless."

"AH! A BOOGER!" Keefe ran around the cafeteria, waving his finger in the air. "GET IT OFF! AHHH!"

Keefe did end up getting the booger off, for his sake. Now, everyone was gossiping about him, which he did not find disappointing.

Sophie stumbled into her last class, managing to make it in just before the bell rang. 

Mr. Tiergan was friendly, and art was something that piqued her interest. It was one of her favorite classes out of all the ones she had.

"Class, today we're going to be doing partnered art. You will each be assigned a partner by me, and you each may have very different styles or very similar styles of art. I know what each of your art looks like as a base, so don't try to cheat," He warned as he picked up a sheet of paper. "I'll go ahead and read off the names . . ." 

Mr. Tiergan read off the names.

Stina and Jensi . . .

The list went on and on until her name was the last called, along with her partner.

"Sophie Foster and Tam Song."

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