Chapter 4: Thunder

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Sophie had talked to her parents about her day as she ate warm, cheesy alfredo for dinner. She later went up to her room and opened her window, enjoying the fresh air.

She pulled out her keyboard. She hadn't played in a while. So she pulled a chair up and played the song: See You Again, Charlie Puth. 

Sophie sang along, feeling whole. Sophie would never sing directly in front of anyone. Not even her adoptive parents. And especially not any friends.

At the end of the song, she felt content.

"Time for bed!" Grady called up. 

But Sophie knew. She changed into her snowman pj's and texted Marella more on Keefe, but she didn't end up replying. 

Sophie brushed her teeth and hopped into bed, snuggling with Ella when she heard some noises. She moaned and looked out her window to see her house splattered with eggs.

"Mom, Dad! I'm going to check something outside before I go to bed!" Sophie called while she ran downstairs and threw on her bunny sandals, a white robe, and her phone tucked into her pocket.

"Be careful! I'm giving you fifteen minutes!" Grady hollered from his room.

"Yep! I know, Dad!" She opened the back door and stepped out onto their deck to feel some egg yolk drip into her hair, sinking in. 

"Keefe!" She called, daring him to come out. She had fifteen minutes. There was no sign of Keefe, but she was getting him back for that prank. Sophie noticed a basket of eggs in the Vackers yard, so she knew Keefe must've been having a sleepover at their place. 

Sophie hopped the fence, landing sneakily in their yard. If they could egg her house, she could knock on their door. Sophie hopped back and opened her gate with a creak. She sauntered over to the Vackers front door, hoping she didn't look too childish or robber-like.

Get it together, Sophie, She told herself as she rocked around on her feet. You're knocking on your neighbour's door. 

She swallowed her pride and pressed down on the tiny bell button, sending little chimes floating around into the air.

An always-beautiful Della opened the door with a surprised expression on her face. "Oh! Why hello, Sophie!"

Della wore a teal robe with an embroidered nightgown tucked under. Her hair was pulled back into a sleek, messy bun.

"Hi, Mrs. Vacker," Sophie offered a tiny wave. "I have a silly question, but do you know if Keefe is hanging around here?"

"Oh! Yes! He is," Della nodded. "And call me Della. Keefe's having a sleepover with Biana and Fitz because his parents went out. Oh my, it's a little chilly out there. Do come in."

She opened the door and led Sophie into the kitchen. Della flipped on a light, making the massive kitchen shine. 

"Thank you, Della," Sophie said as she sat down on a stool. The Vacker's kitchen had a massive fridge, well-polished counters, and black stools to sit on while having a snack. 

"Ah, well. I couldn't leave you out there," Della gestured to some windows that showed it had started to pour. 

"Oh!" Sophie mentally smacked herself. "I should probably call Grady and Edaline and let them know where I am."

"Go ahead," Della was pouring milk into a mug. "Do you want some milk? And if it's fine with them, you can spend the night here."

"Yes, please," Sophie nodded. "I'll see if Grady and Edaline are alright with the arrangement. . ." Her voice trailed off as she whipped out her phone and dialed her home number. 

"Hello? Sophie?" Edaline's panicked voice said through her phone.

"Yes, it's me, Mom," Sophie rolled her eyes as Della warmed up the beverage in the expensive microwave. 

"Where are you? In the yard? And why are you calling me from the Vacker's phone?" 

"I checked the yard, and someone pulled a prank. I knocked on the Vackers door to clear up something, but it started to rain, so Della invited me in. We were wondering if I could maybe stay the night?"

"Want me to drop off anything?" 

"No, mom. I'm sure I can borrow any extra stuff."

"Oh, honey. If you're okay to stay the night, you can. Be back in the morning. Love you."

"Love you too, Mom," Sophie replied hastily. 

"Bye," Edaline clicked off, and Sophie gave Della the thumbs up.

"Fitz, Biana, and Keefe are hanging out upstairs. Want me to call them down?" Della offered as she handed Sophie the mug.

"It's fine. I'm sure I can head up when I'm finished," Sophie nodded as she hung her head. "I'm sorry for waking you."

"It's fine, Sophie," Della smiled as she tightened her teal robe. "Also, be careful and don't get lost. Our home is quite large. You're okay if I go?"

"Yeah. Thank you again." Sophie sipped her milk as Della walked upstairs. She felt eerie sitting there alone, but it was probably her nerves. She always felt nervous. Sophie finished off her milk and washed her mug. 

A BOOM! from the thunder and a creak from the floor sent her jumping.

Sophie approached the noise but shrieked as a tall figure emerged from the shadows and into the moonlight.

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