Chapter 2: Issues

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Keefe screeched to a stop, slamming his foot into the pedal. Sophie's face felt warm, and her stomach churned as she had no clue what was to come. Why did she trust Keefe to drive her to school? It was all so embarrassing. Her reputation would be ruined for life if the police put her in jail. She tried to hide behind her golden-blonde hair as an officer strode up to Keefe's window. 

Keefe laid his arm on the edge as he rolled down his window smoothly. "Why, hello!"

"This boy again," They mumbled into their walkie-talkie. They must have had an encounter with Keefe before. That didn't bode well for their current situation. 

Sophie slumped back in her seat as the police scribbled some noted into their notebook. They kept their face hidden, their head held low. "We're so sorry. Please don't send us to jail!" Sophie pleaded desperately.

"We're too young to die!" Keefe added, and she scowled at him. 

He wasn't exactly on the same wavelength as her.

The officer's head snapped up with a smile. He was young, with a broad chin and cobalt blue eyes. 

"Alvar!" Keefe held his hand up to wait for a high five. "Don't leave me hanging!" 

Alvar reluctantly tapped his hand against Keefe's. 

"You're an officer?" Keefe pumped his fist. "That's amazing!"

Sophie blinked her eyes confusedly. Whoever Alvar was, he was still an officer. Sometimes Keefe was a hopeless cause. Correction: He always was. 

"Sorry to interrupt the moment," Sophie tilted her head so both of them could see her confused expression. "But, who is he exactly? No offense, officer." She stuck her hands up in front of her to defend herself. 

Alvar chuckled. "I'm Alvar Vacker, your neighbour." 

Her cheeks turned red. "Oh."

"Anyways, I'll need to view your Foxfire pins to know you are a legal student," Alvar pulled his aviators up over his eyes.

"Yep," Sophie pointed to her pin and he nodded as he squinted and scribbled down a note. "Keefe, show the officer your pin." She emphasized the way she said officer, hoping he'd get the hint.

Keefe dug through his pockets, only to find some lint, chewed gum, a key chain, and other little trinkets.

"No need for titles," Alvar waved it off. "But seriously, Keefe. I'm on duty and need  to see your pin." 

"Yeah," Keefe mumbled and gave a nervous laugh as he fidgeted. "I may or may not have forgotten it at home."

"Keefe!" Sophie and Alvar said in exasperation.

You could never win with him.

"I'll swing by and get it." Keefe saluted. 

"I have school, for goodness sake!" Sophie reminded him. Now that she had jumped in the car with Keefe, she had had enough 'bonding' with her neighbour.

"It'll take five minutes," He pleaded. 

"Fine," Alvar huffed. "If you aren't back in five minutes, I could be fired. And this is like, my only job." He brushed some hair out of his face and went off to wait in his police car.

"Let's go, Foster!" Keefe seemed way too enthusiastic for a person who'd just been caught by the police.

"Just hurry, okay?" She asked. 

Keefe revved up the engine loudly, and before she knew it, Keefe had them driving around bends and corners.

She leaned forward and turned on the radio in search of a song to pass the time. Sophie winced at some of the opera and shut it off. 

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