Chapter 5: Not So Bad

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As Sophie shielded herself, she heard chuckles and giggles. "Oh my god." Sophie narrowed her eyes and saw Keefe throw off the blanket to show her Biana sitting on Fitz's shoulders. 

Biana gracefully leaped down, wearing lace-trim shorts and a pink t-shirt. Fitz and Keefe wore matching striped two-piece garments.

"You guys!" Sophie exclaimed, standing up and checking over herself to make sure no damage was done.

"It was worth it," Keefe clutched his stomach as he laughed his head off. Biana and Fitz couldn't help but laugh along. 

"Seriously," She said, shaking her head. "You guys suck."

"Well," Keefe smirked. "Let's finish it off with—"

"—A round of truth or dare!" Biana finished.

"I was not going to say that, but okay." Keefe raised his eyebrows and mused his blond hair.

"Not truth or dare," Fitz disagreed.

"Yes! Yes, truth or dare!" Biana crinkled her nose. "I don't get what everyone has against it!"

"A lot of things," muttered Sophie, having to side with the boys.

"I'll start. Keefe, truth or dare?" Biana had a wild look in her teal eyes.

"Truth. I never do those," Keefe said, completely forgetting their last conversation. 

"Is it true . . . " Biana paused and locked eyes with Sophie, making her squirm as they all sat down in the living room. "Is it true you have a crush?"

Keefe froze and stuttered over his words as he denied it.

"That red face answers all of my questions," Biana decided, but she didn't look too happy about it.

"Let's not play truth or dare," Fitz cut in. He tore a hand through his brown hair, making it all spiky and crazy.

Sophie scooted into a chair close to one of the many large windows. "It stopped raining. I can probably go home now." She started to walk to the front door when Keefe grabbed her arm. "Stay Foster."

Sophie rolled her eyes and took his hand off of her arm. "Why should I?"  

"It'll be fun!" Biana jumped in, her brown hair bouncing.

"Gosh." Sophie winced. "I think my grandpa Sandor is coming tomorrow to see the new house we've moved into." 

It was true. Sandor was very buff. With bulging muscles. And he was coming tomorrow. She didn't know much about him, so there wasn't much to say. 

"Are you lying?" Keefe narrowed his eyes.

"I don't even know you guys!" She threw her arms up. "You could be serial killers for all I know."

"But," Fitz crossed his arms. "We're not." 

"Also, whoever egged my house has to clean it."

"It's a pleasure, Foster. Perhaps a sleepover next time. Save me your next one," Keefe winked, and Sophie groaned as she turned, opened the front door, and strode out into the nighttime air. 

Maybe she should get to know her neighbours better. There was so much more than what met the eye. 

As she strode off the Vackers expansive lawn, the mud squished under her feet, and she hoped she could keep her shoes clean. 

Her foot slipped, and she fell right into a puddle, sending mud everywhere. Wet blobs splattered her cheeks, and she slowly stood on her wobbly knees.

She gaped down at her pajamas.

"Um," Keefe scratched the back of his neck from the front door. "Need to come to the Vackers for some new clothes, Foster?" 

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