Chapter 1: Noticed

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"Come on, Sophie," Biana urged her to get out of bed.

"I'm skipping today," Sophie mumbled from under her covers. "Besides, who'll notice my absence anyways?

Sophie Foster was going to Foxfire Highschool for a good two years now.

She was a nerd.

No one heard her.

Barley noticed her.

And then, there was Fitz Vacker. The celebrity of the school, everyone's crush. Girls goggled over him every second they could, and Sophie. . . she'd liked him for the longest time, but she questioned if a guy like him could ever love a girl like her.

"Good point— But I notice you!" 

"That's because we're best friends!" She sighed in exasperation. 

"And a best friend's opinion counts the most," Biana argued as she pulled Sophie's covers off the bed.

Sun streamed in through the window, and the bright blue sky brought the white clouds to life.

"Yeah, but—"

"No buts. It's April Fools! Keefe's pulling pranks all over the school today! You can't miss that!" She adjusted a sparkly clip in her dark hair and layered on some lip gloss. The Vacker then checked her outfit in Sophie's full-body mirror.

"I can miss it." 

"Just because your parents left early to go to work at the Sanctuary, you're skipping? Besides, today will be the day!" Biana crossed her arms and bit her lip. She'd known Sophie had a crush on her brother for a long time. She was loyal enough not to tell Fitz and assist her, although things weren't going well.

"No, Biana, Fitz doesn't like me. You're lying," Sophie pointed to her bitten lip, and Biana rolled her eyes and tossed her hair. 

"You're already dressed," Biana pointed out. 

It was true. Sophie had put on some baggy jeans and a yellow t-shirt. But that was before Sophie had decided to bail.

"I'm just a mess, Biana. I'm the freak no one notices." 

"Well, you aren't. Fitz, my dad, and I drove to school ,and when I didn't see you there, I came back for you. Now, come on, don't be lazy. Get up," She took Sophie's hand and pulled her out of bed.

Biana helped her touch up her hair, apply a bit of makeup, then the two of them walked downstairs and out into the world. 

The world could be harsh and cruel.

Yet, so many people still believed in the goodness of it all.

The two of them had walked to school, making it in just as the bell rang, signaling the start of classes.

"Watch out for Keefe's pranks," Biana reminded her while squeezing Sophie's shoulder. "See you later!"

Sophie got her stuff out of her locker and sighed as she headed to class. She plopped down in her seat and zoned out for most of her lesson. Once the session ended, she stood and walked out of class in a rush.

She tucked her glasses into their usual case and ducked her head to escape the whispers and stares.

She tugged on an itchy eyelash as she walked around nervously. 

Before she knew it, she was tripping over something and smacking her chin on the floor. 

Sophie didn't go unconscious. Her chin just throbbed, and she was very dizzy as she sat on the floor. Everyone gasped, but no one came to her aid. 

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