Chapter 7: Kind

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Sophie gasped as her mixture exploded and wrecked Miss Galvin's outfit— Fancy designer jeans and a frilly long-sleeved top. 

"Let me help," Sophie said. She tried to wipe it off Miss Galvin's designer jeans, but the mixture only smudged it and ruined it even more. "I'm so sorry." She hung her head, knowing her entire class would be watching by now. 

"Just go," Miss Galvin said through gritted teeth. She pointed to her hand. "You have a burn. Go get it treated, and don't come back." 

Sophie hurried out into the halls, wondering where the Infirmary was located. It was just then she realized she had forgotten her schedule in the classroom. But there was no way she was going back in there. 

She wandered the halls, her hand stinging a bit. Sophie looked at the classrooms with her head turned as she strode around until she crashed into a very fit figure. 

"I'm so sorry!" Sophie winced from the light as the person offered her a hand up. 

"Don't worry," He said. "It's just me, Keefe!" 

Sophie looked up into his ice blue eyes as she stood, her heart beating rapidly. "Aren't you supposed to be in class?"

"Class?" Keefe snorted. "No, I ditch a lot. You?"

"Um, nothing," She placed her hand over her burn, hoping he didn't notice her grimace.

"Come on! If you do, I'll let you in on two secrets," He leaned in closer and chuckled.

"Fine," Sophie sighed as she showed him her wrist and explained how she got Miss Galvin's outfit wrecked.

"Oh wow!" Keefe laughed. "She got that outfit from a famous designer!"

"I feel so bad," Shame burned her cheeks. 

"Don't be! You are one true troublemaker!" He seemed happy. "Anyways, the Infirmary is-" 

"Wait," Sophie interrupted. "What are the secrets you said you'd share?"

"Oh! Right! First, I have a trip planned this weekend for a few students, so cancel anything planned! Secondly, someone has a crush on you." 

Sophie's cheeks turned even redder— As if they weren't red enough. "Who?" 

"Nuh-Uh. Not spilling! The Infirmary is just down this hall," He pointed. "Also, here's a bonus question!" Keefe pulled a crumpled piece of paper from his pocket and held it out for her to read: 

Three words to describe Keefe Sencen:

"You get to write the first word— Don't forget to add your name! It's for a poll about me, of course." Keefe handed her a chewed-up pencil, and she hesitantly took it, put the paper against the wall, and wrote her name and a word. 

Or three.

Keefe held his trademark smirk on his face and gasped as he read what she had written. "You did not—"

"Yes, I did," Sophie mimicked his smirk and said: "I wrote: Melodramatic, Hair Obsessive."  

"Wow," He blew out a breath, ruffling his hair as he grinned at her. 

"Gotta run!" Keefe skipped off humming. "Wait!" 

He turned around. "I have nowhere to go! So, I'll bring you to the Infirmary!" He hooked his arm around hers and dragged her down the hallway before she could object. 

Sophie shook it off and strode into the Infirmary, trying to hide the blush on her cheeks. She knocked on the door, waiting until a male voice said that she could come in.

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