Chapter 14: A Very Jolly Vacker Christmas

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Sophie had been grounded for a whole month. But, it had felt like the rest of eternity to her. She wasn't allowed to visit her friends for a while. And she didn't get to see Keefe's reaction to her gift, much less receive a slice of cake. She tucked her knees in close as she sat there on her bed, thinking. Has Keefe grown a beard by now? Does Linh own a farm too? No, not much time had passed, but still, it could've been true. 

Sophie rubbed Iggy's furry back lightly and tentatively. Gosh, she still had blisters from the darn hose. Why did she do it? She knew Keefe was trouble, but she hadn't seen him in forever. 

There was a hard knock on her window. Sophie hurried over to see Keefe, and she quickly opened her window and let him in. She didn't bother questioning how he got up here.

"Ow! Gee!" Keefe moaned as he rubbed his back. 

"Sorry," She replied, but not that sincerely.  

"Thanks for the gift, by the way." 

Sophie shrugged. "It wasn't or will ever be that important anyway."

"It was and will always be," He took her hand. "That scrapbook you made me meant a lot to me. And you drew some pictures. With the help of me, of course! And the Rifflepuffs and cookies you made yourself? Amazing." 

"Yeah, yeah, Keefe. You came here to tell me that?" She raised her eyebrows, amused. 

"Nah. And you look so sad. You've been sitting around here all month, doing nothing but pet Iggy, eat, go on your phone, and do girly stuff." 

"Girly stuff?"

"Well, maybe not girly stuff. That's Biana's thing. Anyways, you're not stuck in jail—" 

"Close enough," She mumbled. 

"You can go in your yard, go to school, explore your house . . . all that fun stuff! And your grounding is over now, right?" 

"Sure," Sophie shrugged and spoke in a sarcastic voice. "It's fun." 

"Nah." He smiled at her, although it was a little droopy. It wasn't fun, but . . . Keefe didn't need to worry about her. 

"You can't hide behind your smile to hide your pain," Sophie locked her eyes onto his. "What is it?" 

"It's just parents with my trouble," Keefe sighed as he stood up and fiddled with a blue marble from her desk. 

"That's not all," She pointed out. 

"I just kick butt, Foster." 


"Alone. Mostly." 

"Why'd you come here again?" Sophie decided to let it go. 

For now. 

"Today's Christmas!" He wiggled his hips as she stared out the now-open window, as soft, white snow coated the ground. 


"Just cool?" Keefe whipped out a tiny box from his pocket and held it up in the sunlight as if angels were about to fall from heaven because of its amazingness. "This is for you." 

He held it out to her, and Sophie stood, eager to open it. Until Keefe held it about his head, making her jump, and miss each time she tried to grab it. 

"We're going to get in trouble," She hissed as she heard footsteps thud against the stairs. "And you aren't supposed to be in here!" 

The two of them froze as Grady's knocked, and his voice called in: "Sophie? Are you okay in there? Is Keefe Sencen in there?" He accused.

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