Chapter 6: Confrontation In Many Ways

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Sophie's project spread like wildfire. She'd received plenty more donations, and Mr. Forkle had gotten a small house. She hadn't visited him yet, but helping people in need made her feel happy on the inside.

The rest of the week flew by in a rush, and Sophie took the weekend off to relax.

"Sophie! Someone's here to see you!" Edaline cheerily called up. 

Sophie hurried by the stairs and peeked down, only to see Fitz. She moved back with a frown but still called out: "I'll meet him on the porch in a minute!" 

"Okay! Don't be too long, honey!" Her adoptive mother sang. 

Sophie pulled a t-shirt overtop her tank top and hurried down the stairs.

They both went and sat down on a bench near Edaline's flourishing garden of greenery and flowers of all colours.

"So . . ." Sophie mumbled. 

"Stina and I aren't a thing. She was just . . ." His voice hitched. 

"Really?" She asked calmly as she whipped out her phone and showed her what Stina had posted: A picture of the two of them in the park. Sophie couldn't even stand the caption.

"Well, I'm sorry," Fitz said angrily. 

"I'm not looking for an apology," Sophie laughed hollowly. 

"Then what?" He snorted. "Take your gift then." Fitz threw it at her, and she managed to dodge it, letting it land in her lap. 

"I was just surprised," Sophie frowned at the teal box.

"And I felt bad. I'm sorry, Sophie." Fitz stared down at his hands with red cheeks.

"I'm not recording, but a lovers quarrel?" Keefe made smooching noises. 

"Shut up, Keefe," Sophie muttered. "I have things to do. I'll see you two later."

For the remainder of the day, she didn't return home. Sophie had a sinking feeling. Her mood was still damp, even after a gift and an apology, and she didn't understand why. She ended up bumping into Biana, literally. 

Sophie walked around, head faced towards the ground as she bashed into a girl with her hands full of shopping bags. "Sorry!" Sophie exclaimed, clambered up, and helped her, only to realize it was Biana. 

"Sophie! Aren't you supposed to be at home with your parents today?" Biana asked. 

"Fitz and Keefe issued," Sophie said. 

"Ah," She nodded. "Come to Everglen then!" 

So, that's why Sophie was standing in their massive mansion. Biana invited her to a sleepover, and her parents had agreed to let her stay the night. Biana shrugged off taking a trip back, offering up her clothes and an extra toothbrush.

"Thanks, Biana," Sophie said gratefully. 

"Anytime! Fitz still isn't home, though," Biana frowned as she unpacked her items. 

"Probably causing havoc with Keefe."

"I don't doubt it," She sighed as she finished clean up. "Anyways, you can have some of the new things I bought," Biana hummed as they went up to her room. 

Biana opened the door, only to reveal heaven of gold and teal. A large, golden chandelier hung above their heads, windows that streamed bright sunlight in, and of course, a large king-sized bed with gold lace, gold pillows, and a creamy white blanket. 

"Wow," Sophie breathed. 

"We just got it all redone," She explained and smiled.

"Biana, you don't have to give me any of the things you bought." 

"Oh?" Biana nodded as she cleaned up a bit. 

The sun started to set, and Biana decided that they should change. "Okay, so. . ." she went into her walk-in closet and pulled out a black spaghetti-strap shirt and some red shorts that were pretty flowy. "These?" 

Sophie didn't exactly like spaghetti straps unless she was alone at home with her family. But she didn't want to be rude, so she nodded and took them from her. She hurried into Biana's bathroom, which had fancy porcelain walls and intricately patterned flooring. 

She quickly threw the pajamas on and crossed her arms over her chest, and stared at her reflection in the massive mirror. It was decent. It sufficed. At least she'd just be with Biana. 

"Are you done, Biana?" Sophie called over. 

"Yes!" She sang back. 

Sophie hurried back, her clothing folded as she placed her clothes into a bag she was borrowing. 

Biana wore a somewhat matching outfit. Her tank-top was neon and glittery, and her shorts were black, traced with neon pink. Her hair was pulled into a loose bun with a glittery flower tucked behind her ear. 

"So, what should we do?" She had a mischievous look on her face. "Want to head downstairs?" 

"Is your family awake?" Sophie asked, wanting to prepared. 

"My mom and dad work with the government, so they usually have early nights. And Alvar . . ." 

"What about him? Will he be home?" Sophie tried to hide her spaghetti straps with her hair. 

"No, silly! He works night shifts at this one place," Biana giggled as she grabbed her hand and dragged her down the massive stairs.

Once they got there, Biana said: "See, no one! Let's watch something." 

"Like what?"

She shrugged. "Or we could do something you want to do. Guest's choice." 

"No thanks," Sophie shook her head. She wasn't the best at making choices. Suddenly, she heard a loud bang. Hurriedly and worriedly, she asked: "What was that?" 

"No idea. Fitz's told me he'd be at Keefe's, but I'm seriously doubting that," Biana said as they rushed to Fitz's door. None of them made a move to open it. 

"Why don't you go first?" Biana asked quietly. 

"He's your brother," Sophie blurted out, and Biana rolled her eyes at her as Biana gripped the handle. 

"On three," Biana whispered. "Three, two, one. . ." She shoved the door open, and the two girls shrieked hysterically when they saw what they thought was a goblin and an ogre, though it was hard to comprehend them in the darkness.

Sophie screamed and followed Biana, who hopped up onto the staircase handle and slid down the spiral. Sophie didn't care if she'd fall, as long as she got away from the creatures raiding the Vackers.

Instead of sliding down the handles, the goblin and ogres leaped down the steps, in a rush. 

Sophie yelled and didn't know where to go. Biana snatched Sophie's hand, dragging her into a bathroom. Biana slammed the door shut and locked it, out of breath. 

"Wait a minute— Why would there be a goblin and ogre in your room?" Sophie had to ask as she clutched her chest. 

"Oh wait— We're so dumb!" Biana moaned. "It's obviously Fitz and Keefe!" 

They both opened the door and found Fitz and Keefe holding their masks.

"We totally got you!" Keefe took off his goblin mask and flicked his fake goblin ears. From beside him, Fitz smirked and nodded.

Sophie laughed along with her friends as they spoke about how silly she and Biana looked.

Biana smiled with tired eyes and squeezed Sophie's hand.

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