Chapter 8: Ice Cream

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The very next day, Sophie had absolutely no clue what to wear. That's why she was panicking. She had never been on a date, much less a double date. Sophie had a feeling she'd probably humiliate herself.

"Hey, Sophie," Grady greeted from her open doorway. He leaned against the frame with his usual tousled hair.

"Hey," Sophie replied as she sorted through her tops.

"What's going on? Special day?" He whistled as he leaned on a wall. 

"Erm . . ." Sophie turned away to hide her red cheeks. "I'm just going out for ice cream." She grabbed her wallet and stuffed some money inside.

"Alone? I shall come along," Grady decided.

"No! Um, I mean. . ." She bit her lip. "I'm going with Biana?"

He raised his eyebrows but walked away silently. 

She ended up wearing a pale blue dress with a stretchy waistband and t-shirt sleeves. Sophie threw on a small golden necklace and cute sandals for good measure. 

She hurried downstairs and managed to sneak out of the house without anyone following her.

Sophie made it to the park and Fitz was nowhere in sight, so she sat down on a bench and waited patiently.

She watched as Linh Song and Wylie Endal walked by, hand in hand. Then, Maruca and Tam Song walked by in the same direction with forced smiles. Oddly, Dex Dizznee and Marella Redek hopped by, laughing as they chatted.

Sophie's eyes practically bulged out of her head as Biana and Keefe Sencen walked by her. Biana was gesticulating as her teal eyes glinted in the sunlight.

Was it a special day? 

Was she missing something? Definitely. 

Sophie tugged on an itchy eyelash as she waited for a few more minutes. 


Her heart fluttered as she saw Fitz walking towards her. "Hey, Fitz."

"You look nice," He offered her a hand up, and she took it as they walked together towards the ice cream place. "Also.  . . let's just say it isn't quite a double date anymore . . ."

"How so?" A million scenarios flashed through her head.

"Ah, well . . . you'll see." Fitz pushed open the door, and Sophie thought her eyes would fall out when she saw the people who had walked past her. There were eight more!

Before they ordered their ice cream, they all sat and chatted, just happy to be there with one another. Not everyone there had a partner, but some settled as friends.

"Let's order some ice cream!" Biana cheered. 

Fitz ordered mint chocolate chip for himself, and Sophie ended up doing that too. 

The two of them went and sat outside with their cones in hand as they enjoyed their refreshing treat. Each lick Sophie took brought a burst of piquancy, which Sophie enjoyed since it was mint-chocolate chip flavoured, of course.

"Thank you for bringing me," Sophie smiled.

"It was my pleasure," He beamed back at her.

"I really—" She paused. 

"I do too."

They both blushed madly. 

"I'd better check on Biana . . . want to come?" He asked, not quite meeting her gaze.

"No. I think I'm going to sit out here a bit longer."

"Okay, I'll check on you soon." He hurriedly went inside.

As Sophie sat outside in silence and finished up her ice cream, she heard a rustle in the bushes.

She licked her fingers and quickly hurried to the rustling bush. Was there a lost animal?

She shoved her way through the bush, only to see . . . Grady?! 

"Dad! Er, what're you doing here in the bushes today?" Sophie's cheeks felt awfully rosy as she wondered what he'd heard.

"I just . . ." Grady's eyes glistened. "You're growing up so fast . . ." 

Sophie pulled him into a hug. "I love you, dad. So much."

"And I, you. But, don't let any boys break your heart, okay, kiddo?" He said.

"I won't, Dad," Sophie smiled widely, bringing tears to her eyes. She loved her dad more than words could ever explain.

And Sophie realized something: Different types of love last, while others don't. But, it's the memories shared that are engraved truly in your heart. 

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