Chapter 10: Waffles + Spatula + Sophie = Issues

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Sophie's eyes were blurry as she woke up. She rubbed her eyes, and a big yawn escaped her lips.

"Sophie!" A voice gasped, and two pairs of arms hugged her tightly, seeming like they never wanted to let go.

Sophie's eyes focused on them, and her eyes filled with tears, and some of her memories flooded back. 

"Mom, Dad, I'm okay," She spoke in a scratchy voice. She carefully hugged them back, remembering what'd happened.

Edaline and Grady stepped back, and Sophie took in the empty room and the three of them in there.

"The Vackers called and rushed over," Edaline said as she wiped her eyes. "We were so worried. Apparently, many of the customers were freaking out and going crazy . . ."

"We're lucky Fitz noticed," Grady agreed as he squeezed his wife's shoulder affectionately.  "Luckily, they got the puma back into its cage within a few minutes."

"I think I'm okay," Sophie mumbled as she rubbed her temples and took a moment to pluck out an eyelash.

"You were out for a while, but the doctors fixed you up no problem," Grady nodded. "You'll be coming home in a few hours."

She nodded and fiddled with the edge of the blanket.

"Unfortunately, we won't be home to help you. You know we really wish we could be," Edaline said softly as a worried expression appeared on her face. "You'll have a bit more trouble with things since you bumped your head pretty hard. It'll be a bit harder to walk and stuff, so we've found some trustworthy people to help you."

"Who?" Sophie didn't want 'some people' as in ten people in the house. Edaline and Grady could go overboard, which she was worried about. 

"Just a friend," Edaline kissed her on top of her head before her parents left the room.

The nurse and doctor came in, asking about how she was feeling and made her take some medicine. The doctor was a kind man, the nurse a woman.

 Sophie was obedient and did what they told her to, although she flinched and made a few faces.

"Your parents will be in soon to help you get back home," The doctor said as the nurse left the room. "By the way, I'm Elwin." He flashed her a little smile. "I'm glad you're okay. I suppose everyone had a big scare."

"Thank you."

"Livvy is a real hard worker, that nurse," Elwin blew out a breath. "Anyways, a puma escaping is unusual, but I suppose it was a big accident."

Her face paled as he recapped it all.

"Ah, well," He spoke in a rush and changed the subject. "You're doing really well," He promised. 

"I hope so," She muttered as he strode out of the room.

Sophie ended up hobbling to the car with the help of her parents. She felt dizzy and as if she had a migraine. She got in and buckled up hoping she was well enough to not be taken care of for the next week. 

Unfortunately, she was clumsy. So, that didn't help her case. At all.  

Grady drove on, turning the music louder, trying to drown out Edaline who was asking her all types of questions.

"I can take care of myself," Sophie flinched as they arrived at home and went inside.

"It's a precaution," Edaline remarked as she plastered a smile onto her face. Sophie still noticed Edaline's shaky hands as she clasped them together.

Sophie sighed in exasperation as she headed upstairs, lay down, and decided to go to bed early. She most definitely wasn't excited for tomorrow. 

She woke up to the smell of fresh waffles the next morning. The fragrant, luscious scent seeped into Sophie's nose, making her tingle.

She slowly got out of bed, catching herself before she fell. A wave of nausea hit her as she shuffled down the stairs with no one in sight.

She tugged on an itchy eyelash as she slowly made her way into the kitchen. 


She peered at the stack of waffles on the dining table, and the clean, neat, kitchen.

Sophie quickly swiveled to look behind her, but no one was there.

She carefully backed up, keeping her back to the counter as she grabbed a spatula for her weapon. Not the best choice, but it sufficed. Sophie narrowed her eyes. She was the Waffle Spatula hero person . . .

Well, she wasn't feeling it.

Laughing rang from the living room, and she bit her lip as she barged in, only to see—

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