Chapter 8: Consulted

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"I thought he liked me," Biana whispered. 

She had taken time to clear out her head and stopped crying. Her eyes were puffy, but otherwise, it was as if nothing awful had happened. 

"It's fine, Biana. We're all bound to get rejected at some point in life." Sophie shrugged as she put an arm around her.

"I guess. Have you ever gotten rejected, Sophie?" Biana mumbled. 

"Um, no. Probably because I don't have a love life or because no one likes me in that way. Which is fine by me, of course." 

"Well, I'm sure boys are crushing on you somewhere in the world," Biana smiled as they strolled around, the birds chirping.

"Stop, Biana!" Sophie waved her hands around as her cheeks heated up. "People will hear!"

"Oh, goodie!" Biana giggled. "SOPHIE NEEDS A BOYFRIEND! OVER HERE!"

Sophie groaned. "Someone dig me a hole." It seemed that teasing her was a cure. Literally. 

"Let's head back to the group. By the way, I love your hair!"

Once they got back, there were chips and snacks were set out on a picnic bench. 

Biana stealthily slid onto a seat, acting natural. Sophie tried to slide in like Biana, but she ended up missing the seat and falling onto her backside.

She got a grass stain on her new shirt. Way to play it cool.

"Need a hand up?" Tam strode over and offered her his hand. 

Sophie begrudgingly took it and got up, dusting herself off and blushing furiously. "Thanks." 

Tam shrugged and walked back to Linh, who was examining the flowers.

Biana munched on a potato chip and wrung her hands as Keefe stood up on top of the bench, right onto the empty seat beside Sophie. 

"Hear ye, hear ye all!" Keefe exclaimed, drawing in everyone's attention as Biana paled. "I'd just like to get the scoop on the re-" 

Sophie elbowed his leg, sending him tumbling onto the grass. "What Keefe meant was, we're glad to be here. We have . . . rejoiced! Um . . . enjoy the Mallowmelt!"

"Sophie," Biana said, tears glistening in her eyes. "You are a lifesaver." 

"Not exactly," Keefe moaned from the ground, ruining the moment. 

They ate snacks and mostly chatted, the adults having a great time. Sophie and her friends sat in the deadly silence, no one daring to say anything to ruin the small getaway. 

"Um," Linh mumbled. "The chips are good!" 

"Too salty in my opinion," Keefe said, disgusted as he threw his chip on the ground and crushed it. 

"Not as salty as you," Tam retorted bashfully. 

"Don't litter, Keefe!" Linh exclaimed. 

"Why not? Birds will just come and chomp on it for me," Keefe shrugged, tossing more chips on the ground as birds flocked around them. 

"Argh! Keefe! They're going to poo on my precious hair!" Biana whined. 

"Oh no!" Keefe realized. "They're going to wreck my hair too!" 

"Oh, stop being babies," Tam blurted.

"Says who?" Fitz snapped. 

"Says, my brother! My twin!" Linh yelped. 

"At least he's not as annoying as the triplets," Marella butted in, eager for gossip.

"The triplets can be annoying, but at least they aren't stuck up or snooty!" Dex spat angrily. "Go put shame on Wonderboy and his attitude!" 

Fitz tore a hand through his hair. "Go eat my dust, Dizznee!" 

They rambled on and on, and Sophie took it as an opportunity to get away.

Sophie managed to trip on a tiny pebble and onto Keefe's squashed chips.

"Sophie, It takes real skills to choke on air, fall up the stairs, and trip over nothing. You have those skills."

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