Chapter 15: Summer Party

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Sophie smiled. It was the last day of summer, and Biana was hosting a party. 

She felt bubbly inside since Fitz would be there.

She roamed through her closet, not knowing what to wear. She ended up picking a soft, yellow dress with white lace and a cute flower tucked behind her ear.

Sophie threw on some sandals and filled up a cooler with sodas, popsicles, and other fun treats. She adjusted her dress and brought her things outside as she waited for Grady and Edaline. 

Sophie stared up at the searing sun. It'd been a rollercoaster of a summer, that was for sure. She decided to get into the car and turn on the air conditioning so the car didn't feel like an oven.

Sophie then managed to get the cooler into the trunk, and she started up the air conditioning as she plopped into the back seat.

Grady and Edaline came in, and Grady hopped into the front seat with Edaline beside him. They all buckled their belts up. "Ready, kiddo?"

"Yep," Sophie smiled as he backed out, and they drove to the Vackers.

The Vackers house was a bit humongous.

Grady carried the cooler in while Edaline brought in some of the food and baked goods she and Grady had cooked. Grady wore some plain khaki shorts along with a flowery blue t-shirt. Edaline wore a matching dress with the same colours and patterns.

They knocked on the door, and Della let them in. She greeted them with cheerful smiles, gladly taking the food and putting it in the kitchen. Della was really, really pretty. In a few moments, Edaline and Della were laughing as they conversed.

Biana ran over to Sophie and hugged her, squealing as she leaned close and whispered: "I know you already know my brother likes you, but when I say he really likes you, he does.

Sophie flushed. "Stop, Biana! Not now!"

"Fitz and Sophie . . . Sophie and Fitz . . . In love!" 

"Biana!" She moaned. 

"Don't worry, he's outside, sitting by the pool. Go talk to him! He's practically on cloud nine. I'm going to be with Keefe!" Biana nudged her in that direction. 

"Not now!" Sophie exclaimed with wide eyes. "We're going slow!" She muttered.

"Okay, fine. Let's play a game. You close your eyes, I take you to a spot, and you guess where you are," Biana offered.

"I don't know, Biana," Sophie said as she freaked out.

"Fine! I'll come outside with you."

She flailed and plucked out five eyelashes as Biana pushed her outside. Sophie couldn't bring herself to argue as Biana sang happily. She seemed happier than Sophie was.

Finally, Biana's hands slid off of her shoulders. Sophie almost slipped on the deck because of not only how clumsy she was but how flustered she felt.

Fitz caught her before she fell, and she watched as Biana backed away with a big grin. "You okay?"

"I—Biana . . . Yeah," Sophie groaned, plopping down beside him. She gladly took the smoothie he offered her. "The party is nice."

"It is, isn't it?"

"You know," She started. "I've been thinking . . . I don't want to wait anymore. I like you too."

His eyes sparkled as she offered him a small smile.

"Um, the decorations are beautiful," Sophie said to fill in the silence. Her heart was pounding, and her cheeks were flushed.

"They're not as beautiful as you," He said softly, leaning in and kissing her.

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