Chapter 14: Posted

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Sophie kicked off her boots once Tam had walked her home. 

She plopped down on the couch and went on her phone, and gasped. Her eyes widened. Biana had posted pictures of her and Tam holding hands and kissing! "No, no, no no no no," She groaned. 

Sophie buried her red face in her hands. 

She was never going to live this down. Ever.

Sophie spent the rest of the break hiding in her room, and when New Year's Eve came up, she was anything but relieved. She tensed up as Edaline and Grady got out the New years plastic crowns and necklaces.

"Wearing something simple for today?" Edaline teased as she helped Sophie clean her room. Even though no one was coming there, everyone was heading to the Songs place. Like that made it much better.

"Probably," Sophie nodded, plastering a smile on her face.

This would not end well.

Sophie had very reluctantly put on a golden, long-sleeved baggy sweater along with black leggings for the occasion. No dresses, but nothing too fancy.

She helped gather the New Years' accessories and she headed out to the car, once again. Sophie hopped in and waited for Grady and Edaline to finish up inside. 

She hoped no one saw that picture. Not that hoping would erase any memories . . . But, she wasn't ashamed. She was more . . . embarrassed? 

"Okay, we're all set," Grady said, hopping into the car with Edaline. "Off to a new year!"

Sophie cringed. She doubted the new year would be a very good one.

She winced as they pulled up into the large driveway. A few cars were already there, meaning people were inside. 

Sophie slowly got out of the car, making sure to take her time. 

"Sophie, we need to hurry," Edaline chided. 

"New Year's Eve isn't going to wait for you," Grady teased as he took her hand and quickly helped her out. 

They hurried up to the door and rang the bell, Tam appearing as he opened the door. "Um, what's up?"

"What do you mean?" Grady asked. "We're here for the party!" He did a little shimmy to prove his point, and Sophie couldn't help but cringe.

"Are you sure it isn't the wrong address?" Tam asked. 

"I mean, you're Tam Song. So just let us in already," Grady grumbled. 

Tam rolled his eyes, but let them in, Sophie keeping her head down, her golden blonde hair shielding him from her view.

She hurried inside, and plopped down in a dark corner, away from everyone. 

Sophie gasped as Tam smirked from beside her. "Stop!" She hissed. 

"Tell Biana to stop first," He rolled his eyes. 

"She just wants the juice."

"The gossip."

"I know."

"So do I."

"Yeah, I know. Go stalk someone else!"  

He shrugged, obviously not caring.

"What should we do then? We can't snatch her phone."

"It's practically glued to her hand all the time," Tam agreed. 

"I'm never going to live this down," Sophie grumbled in embarrassment. 

"I'm sure we'll live. Let's . . . try and find a chance when she leaves her phone," He suggested bluntly as Keefe and his family walked in. Biana was chatting happily with some of the guests, her phone squeezed tightly in her hand.

"For now, let's just try to survive without Grady finding out," She whispered, giving his hand a squeeze.

Sophie munched on some of the snacks, eyeing Biana's phone from afar.

But, it was when night fell, that the party was only just getting started.

She smiled wearily at guests, her eyes already drooping as she sipped on a mug of hot chocolate. Finally, she perked up when Biana handed her phone to Fitz and walked off. This was her chance!

Sophie set her mug down beside Grady and Edaline as she tried to hurry over. She bumped into a few people a couple of times, but otherwise, she made it to Fitz easily. "Um, hey Fitz," She tried to sound calm as she leaned casually stood by him. "Can I borrow Biana's phone? It's . . . I just need to borrow it for a second." 

Fitz shook his head. "Biana was on strict orders, telling me to guard her phone with extreme care." 

"I'm one of her closest friends."

"Nah," He shrugged as he happily munched on a cookie. 

"Please," She begged. 

"I can handle this," Tam said from behind her. 

Sophie rolled her eyes but walked away, as she watched from a corner. She watched Tam exchange a few words with Fitz, and then they clapped each other on the back. Tam walked over and wiggled the phone in her face as her jaw dropped. 

"How?" She managed to squeak out. 

"Some secrets must be kept," Tam smirked curtly. 

They easily got the pictures deleted and off of the phone. They managed to quickly sneak it back to Fitz, a split second before Biana returned. 

"Okay, time for the fireworks!" Linh exclaimed as she clapped her hands, herding everyone's attention over to her.

Everyone let out little cheers as they headed out into the Song's large, expansive, glimmering yard. Sophie ended up sitting closer to the house, farther away from everyone.

"You're not so bad," Tam said, and then she noticed he was sitting next to her. 

"You're not so bad yourself," Sophie said. "But, I try." 

A firework exploded into the air, like a bubble of colour let free. 

She closed her eyes as the crowd exclaimed: "Happy New Year!" 

Sophie whispered quietly: "Happy New Year . . ." 

Tam tore a hand through his hair. "I'm glad I found someone like you."

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